He was officially created in an internet contest when the readers of the “Something Awful” forums were asked to create a paranormal entity in a thread named “Create Paranormal Images”. The scheme was to create eerie images and use them to trick people on paranormal forums into thinking they were genuine. Users started photoshopping images by adding fake ghosts and other bizarre figures, usually accompanied by a fake back story to make them seem authentic.
On June 10th of 2009 a user named Victor Surge posted to the thread with 2 photos and an explanation that the entity stalked children.
The myth of Slenderman was born.
The explanation that Victor Surge included with the photos was the haunting detail that the photographs were taken on a day on which fourteen children disappeared. He then further explains that the library where the photo was found burned down a week after the pictures were taken. This Slenderman entity was a shadow creature, overly tall and thin. It had long arms that stretch to inhuman lengths to ensnare its prey. To add to its unearthliness, Slenderman had no face. His primary motivation at first was to kidnap and kill children. Supposedly, he is seen right before the disappearance of a child or even a mass kidnapping of multiple children. He seems to prefer silently stalking in the midst fog enshrouded streets and wooded areas so he can obscure himself from the casual eye. However, children have been able to see him when adults in the vicinity could not. The mythos also states that children also have dreams or nightmares concerning The Slender Man before their disappearance.

Some say the Slenderman myth is inspired by archaic archetypes of folklore, like death stalking the plague riddled inhabitants of Medieval Europe as depicted in Hans Holbein's 16th century woodcuts of the Dance of Death. But recently the mythos and folklore has begun to manifest itself into real life. On November 6th 2009 a young man called Coast to Coast am with an encounter his girlfriend had with an entity resembling Slenderman. It started a flurry of listeners to call, relating their own stories of Slenderman type encounters. Here are the calls.

“…from childhood I have seen this demonic figure. He is a tall shadow. He has no face, but he has long arms. Out of the corner of my eye on certain nights I see him and his arms seem to be reaching out to me, and when I turn to look at him, the thing is gone. I have the real feeling that if I don’t turn around to look at him his arms will catch me up and I will die.”
“JoAnne” then described some personal details of her life that accompanied the “Slenderman” appearance, which included child abuse and neglect at a young age. Close to the end of her letter she made the chilling announcement,
“I am afraid that he is stalking me, and that one day I will not be able to catch him trying to snatch me up. This fills me with such fear, word can’t describe. Sometimes I think I am going nuts. I feel like he is going to get me when I don’t expect it. Some nights I can’t sleep, noises outside make me jump. When the wind cranks up and things start to rattle, I am so scared. I need help!”

I responded to “JoAnne” and gave her some simple prayers and commands for the entity to leave her alone. I have tried to contact her numerous times, but I never get a reply. One part of me feels it might be a psychotic incident with prolonged effects on her mental state, but when I started to receive other similar letters, I began to think twice.
I received an anonymous comment on my blog dated January 12, 2010 that in part reads:
“ My name is____. I am being hunted by a shadow creature. It is tall and thin and tries to catch me in its long arms. I saw it in a dream, and now it is real. All I see in the face are two eyes, and when I look in them those arms try to get me.”
And a more recent and extensive one comes from a few weeks ago:
“…every night since the start of June, between 12 and 4 in the morning I get a phone call from m y ex-girlfriend. She has been attacked or being stalked by a ghost or something more.
Let me tell you a bit about her before I go any further. She has severe depression, insomnia. She also has some mental trauma, what kind I will not say, because that is between me and her but as far as I know, that could be the entire reason why this is happening. Anyways since I've been dating her, a person she calls “The Man” has been giving her distress. Apparently he's been around a lot longer then I've known her, but she says that it wasn't that bad when she was younger. Her first experience with “The Man” around 7 or 8, she would see a man with no real face, just a body and a blank mass where a face was, in her backyard standing by the fence. Not really believing in ghosts, she freaked out and called her mom saying there was a person outside, when her mom got there, she seen a glimpse of a person before he vanished behind the fence. How much of this is true, I dont really know, I was just told these stories by her family when I came over now and again. . About a year ago, she called up around midnight complaining of “The Man”. She said she could feel some one watching her through her windows, and she wouldn't get out from under her covers to turn on a light or do anything. But back then I was her boyfriend and had to fight the big bad monsters for her, so I had to couch her on what to do and when to do it so she wouldn't be scared. I would always tell her its ok and that she will be fine. There were several instances where I believe either she was possessed or just the trauma of her past affected her to the point where she developed a split personality. Its also a reason why I think the trauma and 'The Man' are linked. I could immediately tell something was different because of her eyes. Normally they were a pretty blue, but then they were cold and grey. Finally after we broke up after three years in January, the man seemed to disappear. Up until June she talked to me occasionally but never past midnight . But now she calls every night between 12 and 4 complaining of The Man. I guess hes been watching her more and more. Every night he looks through her window or watches from the woods when she walks through her house…”

So is this some sort of fiction become reality because of the overworking of imagination and psychosomatic power like a tulpa? Or is it a demonic entity that has taken on the guise of an internet mythos to feed on fear and destroy the minds of those that fall into its deception?
I was about to go with the latter until recently when I heard a few stories that place the Slenderman in paranormal experiences before the mythos was ever created. First came from a coworker within the month.
Around 2002 she worked at another location and made friends with a woman who had paranormal encounters. One of the most chilling was when in the middle 1990s when the middle of the might she woke up to see a tall dark and thin humanoid figure at the end of her bed. It reached out its arms and its finger elongated to an inhuman length and reached toward her head. She was paralyzed, even though she tried to scream and move she could not. As the tendril fingers wrapped around her head she lost consciousness. Soon after she that noticed she was sluggish. She became ill, had frequent headaches and nausea and could not sleep. So she sought medical help, and as a consequence had an X-Ray done of her head and upper torso. The Doctors found a small metallic object had been implanted into the base of her skull. When the doctors tried to remove the foreign object they found that it had become entangled into the central nervous system at the spinal cord, and it was too risky to remove. The woman even showed the operation scar to my coworker as proof. But my co worker still did not believe the story, which aggravated her friend very much. The friend then brought her X-ray to work and showed my coworker the proof. A small metallic object had been implanted at the base of her skull in such a location that made it inoperable.
Was this woman an alien abduction and implant survivor? At first look that seems the conclusion, but the appearance and after affects of the encounter matches the Slenderman mythos so closely it makes one ponder. In fact after telling my coworker of the Slenderman mythos, she was shocked and a bit unnerved. It fit perfectly. But why the implant? Perhaps to follow you the rest of your life?
A few weeks ago I put a request out here on my blog for any readers who had a Slenderman experience to write in and tell me about it. It so happens that the responses also predate the invention of the mythos. First from a man in the idwestern United States that wishes to be anonymous because of his position in society:
“Dear Pastor:
I stumbled onto your website much by accident and was intrigued by the 'Slenderman' story. I have vivid memories from childhood regarding a throng of these people emerging from the woods near our house, which was about a quarter mile from the edge of a large state forest in _______________. As a child growing up in the 1950s, my mom always warned me about "gypsies" who occasionally made their way through our neighborhood. Even so, I was intrigued nevertheless. I recall one occasion quite vividly. I was about 4 or 5 years old, playing in the back yard. I recall going into the garage, which was separate from our house. I became aware of a swishing sound, like someone walking through tall grass. I glanced out the garage window and saw an entire line of these 'Slender people' coming out of the woods just beyond our
neighbor's house. They were heading our way. I was momentarily frozen. What do I do now? Fearful the "gypsies" might carry me away, I retreated into a corner of the garage and watched the procession through a crack in the wall. This was something out of storybookland! They were all slender, but some were taller than others. A few wore scarves, but their garb appeared drab with colors faded. There were a few slenders of small stature, whom I took to be children. They were holding the hands of the ones wearing scarves. I could not see their faces, but I recall their fingers were exceeding long. When they crossed into our backyard, they continued walking single file in zombie-like fashion. When they reached the coal shed (which was behind the house but about 10 feet from the garage) they divided into two lines. One line went between the coal shed and the house. The other passed between the coal shed and the garage. They continued in their slow, relentless pace, walking past the side of our house, down the road and up the hill in their slow, plodding fashion. As soon as they were out of sight, I rushed into the house. My mother immediately locked all the doors and drew all the window shades until my dad came home from work. Over the intervening years, I have often wondered about that day. Who were those strange people? Where did they come from? Where were they going? Your photo triggered recollections of that afternoon in the garage, but I saw more than just a shadow person. I saw the whole clan!”
I stumbled onto your website much by accident and was intrigued by the 'Slenderman' story. I have vivid memories from childhood regarding a throng of these people emerging from the woods near our house, which was about a quarter mile from the edge of a large state forest in _______________. As a child growing up in the 1950s, my mom always warned me about "gypsies" who occasionally made their way through our neighborhood. Even so, I was intrigued nevertheless. I recall one occasion quite vividly. I was about 4 or 5 years old, playing in the back yard. I recall going into the garage, which was separate from our house. I became aware of a swishing sound, like someone walking through tall grass. I glanced out the garage window and saw an entire line of these 'Slender people' coming out of the woods just beyond our

And another from “Jason” in Ohio ,
“My 22-year-old brother used to have dreams about Slender Man as a 7 year old, and he doesn't even know about the "Slender Man" myth. We were talking about weird experiences in our old house and he started telling me about his dreams about a tall guy without a face.
He also said that when he was in that house by himself, he was at the other end of the hallway, and he saw a creature similar to that lean out the door of his bedroom and look at him.”
He also said that when he was in that house by himself, he was at the other end of the hallway, and he saw a creature similar to that lean out the door of his bedroom and look at him.”
And a last short remark from another anonymous,
“… at times thinking I see him out in the streets. But it's happen way to many times for it to be a coincidence”

So what is happening? Encounters of a being similar to Slenderman have been happening for decades. What shall we make of this?
As many things we have explored here together, I leave it to you, dear reader. Is Slenderman nothing but a mythos made up on a website on June 10, 2009 ? Or is it an archetypical vision of death which stalks us all, and only a few can perceive it? Or is it a real demonic presence taking on the mythic form or a tulpa formed by the mass conscience of internet readers?
You decide, and leave your comments.
For I myself, I first read about Slenderman in its full mythical glory about 6 months ago before piecing together the jigsaw pieces. And even then I was unnerved as I have not been in many years. Is there something in the dark? I hope it is not the stalking Slenderman.
UPDATE: My new book "Slenderman: From Fiction to Fact" is out on Amazon for just $10. Click on the link below to purchase my Slenderman book:
Until Next Time,
Pastor Swope
Ο Χριστός είναι η νίκη
1 – 200 of 299 Newer› Newest»My gut tells me this in an archetype onto which people project their fears, or perhaps even one into which people fit their own paranormal experiences. In other words, if you had asked them to describe their experience before they learn about slenderman, they probably wouldn't mention his height or his long fingers in their descriptions. Instead, their descriptions would more likely resemble other current monsters.
I think the archetype is one that predates "Slenderman", that is perennially tapped into by writers and visual artists. I can recall a scene from "Nightmare on Elm Street" in which the evil "Freddie" walks down an alley stretching his arms and knife-blade fingers in an eerie fashion. So people having had a paranormal experience pre-Slenderman might have described him as "Freddie", but the features would have been similar.
The deeper question is whether these archetypes are inspired by actual spiritual entities, Jungian "race memory", or something more materialistic, if not yet understood.
Thanks Pastor, you have given me much to think about. This was a fascinating entry.
Three words: Love This Story! Nuff said.
creepy, seen the same when i was a kid, 'bout 38 years ago.
Sounds like way too much like Freddie Kruger from the old Nightmare flicks. Maybe our collective unconscious made him real!
My little brother use to see things like this when he was a kid of about 5 years old. He called them the 'red man' or the 'blue man' referring to their overall monochrome skinsuit type of appearance. They would show up peeking around corners or sneaking off in the peripheral of his vision. Now 26, he still has clear memories of these entities when I ask him about it.
This dude used to give me fits when I was 15-16 years old.
One day I decided that I had enough, and decided to ignore him. I made up my mind that no matter what he did, he was not going to frighten me and I would just pretend like he didn't exist.
This seemed to really piss him off, and he began showing up everywhere, all of the time. I could feel his anger, and I enjoyed it. I knew i was getting to him for once, and it felt great. I almost, but not quite, lost all fear of him.
We moved from Cocoa Beach to LA when i was in tenth grade. We drove there taking I-10 from Florida to California, and the dude was there the whole trip. He would show alongside the road, and running alongside the car, or standing out in the desert etc for the entire trip.
I enrolled in 10th grade at North High in Torrance that year, and was very shy and withdrawn back then. I used to hide in the library at lunch because i had no friends and felt very awkward.
One day i was standing at the card catalog as the Dude stood sort of behind me, but off to my right side. Something felt different this day about him. He was really, really mad and I got the impression he was going to try something. I ignored him, but could feel his rage, and began to wonder if I had played this game with him too long. I pulled the catalog drawer almost all of the way out and pretended to look through the cards as I watched him out of the corner of my eye. suddenly, he seemed to swell and grow taller, even though he was already well over six feet tall, and he began to run at me. He opened his arms wide like he was going to wrap me up and he seemed to be wearing a cape of some sort. He came at me with enraged intent and I forgot all about where I was. I turned to face him just as he was about to reach me. The catalog drawer fell on the floor and index cards went everywhere. I screamed and put my arms out to block him just as he reached me and wrapped that opened that cape thing so widely that it blocked out the light....
And then he was gone.
Other kids were starring at me and I was breathing hard as my heart was beat a mile a minute. There were index cards all over the floor. I didnt know what to do, so I went to the table where I left my books, gathered them up, and left. As I cleared the door I could hear an woman yell "Hey!" but I kept going as fast as i could.
I have not seen the dude since, but my 16 year old daughter has, and in our house no less.
I have not mentioned the what I went through to her, only to advise her to "just ignore him".
Who is this thing?
I think that Victor Surge cheated, i.e. he used an actual demonic experience(s) of his or that of someone he knew to "create" Slenderman. I think that the fact that so many people came forward after he gave the character a name strongly suggests that Victor was all too familiar with it in real life.
I believe the episode of Buffy that the mother was describing on Coast to Coast was not "Hush" but "Killed by Death," which was episode 18 of season 2. The monster in that episode was called der Kindestod, and it was killing children in a hospital.
Wow, what an interesting article. I've read many many stories on shadow people, but I don't think I've ever heard them call "Slendermen". From all of the accounts you gave, they all sound like different phenomena. Some, shadow beings, others, aliens. The story that really stuck out to me was the one where the person, as a kid saw slender people from his garage. I find these instances, where strange people are sighted, to be very inruiging. They are not monsters, or spirits, or aliens. Are they some sort of alternate form of humanity? There are lots of stories out there about people encountering others who are just a bit different from a regular human, and their behavior doesn't quite mesh with "normal" human behavior. What are these strange humanoids? There are so many mysteries out there, it's almost unfathomable.
While not a traditional Slenderman story, I have a similar one that comes from my late sister-in-law that happened to her in the sixties. She vividly remembered one time late at night when she was a kid, someone was lurking outside her door which had a tiny window at the top of it. She said she could see the shadow of his feet from under the door, and in the top window a black top hat. From the height of the window on the door, it appears he must've been an incredibly tall man. When I read the article, it instantly called up the memory of her telling me about it back in the eighties. It spooked the heck out of me.
great just another reason for me not to go in the dark alone! D=
most have surface after his creation, the few that were before, could be explained as paranormal expirence that they then explain as slender man cause hes scary. this doesnt mean he doesnt exist, look of the philip project pastor, you might find it a an explaination.
Me and 3 friends of mine have all seen the Slenderman, and none of us knew about the internet myth. my friend told me about something that he had seen at night about a week before i saw it, he described it as very tall and wearing a suit-like outfit, and asked me if i had any idea what it was. I had never heard of anything like it, and being curious i asked him to take me to where he had seen it. In my old neighborhood there was a hill of dirt where the construction workers dumped dirt from digging the foundations, and he saw it on top of there. the hill is surrounded by trees and about 50 ft from any roads. We started up the path and felt a chill so stopped and looked up at it, and saw a tall figure on top for a half second. the path up the hill is at least 100 - 150 ft. and a few seconds after seeing it on top we saw it again half way down the hill. the a moment after that it was at the bottom. the time it took to move that far was only a few seconds, and we all ran then. a few days later we saw it on the freeway and my friends freaked out and floored it, we were going 120mph and it was walking next to the car, not running but walking. We have seen it many times since then and still see it from time to time. and i would like to add that the hill we saw it on was covered in bushes that are about 5 ft tall, and the things body was more than halfway visible. even as im typing this i feel like its watching me, as i cannot stop shivering, and it is not cold in ohio this time of the year, and the last instance of this being recentley was that me and my friends were all sitting in my living room watching t.v. like normal. two friends decided to walk to the gas station to buy pop and we thought one had my other friends phone. we saw it in our backyard and attempted to call the frinds walking, as one had seen it previously, to tell them we had spotted it. the first call we made answered and all we heard was an odd staticy shriek. we called 6-7 mre times all without answer. when my friend got home we asked him about it and he said the phone was in his room. we went to get it and it was under the bed.
The slender man really scares me, though I've never seen him. But every time at night when everyone's asleep, whenever i hear footsteps or cracks of the stairs, i know its just my cat messing about. The slender man kinda reminds me of the guy from despicable me, only paler + taller. I fear he's watching me now. I'm never going to stay home alone again!!!!! I would die at the sight of him, let alone being pulled by him into his long spindly arms. I shudder at the thought! Those who have seen him, dont let him touch you. Look away. Sprinkle holy water onto every door and window and room in your house! Stay safe :)
Hey, Pastor Swope - sporadic reader of your blog. Just happened over here today, saw this entry about the "Slenderman"...and felt a little chill of coincidence.
I'm a writer and editor whose work has appeared mostly in the small press thus far. My publisher and I are putting the wraps on a fiction/poetry project about an entire town that disappears in the middle of snowstorm, leaving nothing behind but poems scrawled on walls, desks, doors, etc, hinting at the fate of a town gone mad.
It's vaguely Lovecraftian, but we didn't want to reference any of the usual "eldritch" gods, so we manufactured one: a being referenced only as The Long Man. Along with the poems were found scrawled stick figures of a very TALL, thin man with long arms.
And this was conceived by my publisher and I back in 2009-2010....
Anyway. Weird serendipity...
I For One Do Believe In Slenderman Regardless Of What Everyone Wants To Think They Know. Slender Man Is Real. There Are Documents That Lead Back To The 1980’s About Slenderman. Where A Young Women States, “I Saw The Thing Without The Face.” Now Tell Me What You Think Of This.
Slenderman/Shadow People existed long before Victor Surge created the "myth." He most likely saw it in real life, or in a nightmare.
Google: The Slender Man Explained Vip
Anyone ever give the thought of it being a Tulpa? If so many people believe in this Slenderman it may be possible for him to just come about.
I hate thinking about it but, I don't remember anything about my past before the age of seven. Even around that time my memory seems to be in fragments. I'm told what happened, where I lived, where I been, what I’ve done, but I simply don't remember any of it happening. It can't be age, or anything to do with my health, I'm just now going on twenty and haven't had any memory loss since that time period.
Even though the above is true about myself, I can't say I believe in slender-man or that he had anything to do with my memory lost and the other comments or stories claiming him to be real. Especially the one about 'the clan of slender people' in the blog.
I watched the entire set of submitted entries on youtube ( marblehornets ) about slender-man. Though the videos were incredibly interesting and kept my attention for an entire night until I watched all forty nine clips of the incomplete submissions I can't say he exist. I believe in many things, paranormal is pretty high on the list. I highly doubt slender man ever existed until he was forced onto the web and people started crafting their paranoia and fear of the unknown around his back story.
Saw something at least quite looking like it when i was a child.
One thing looking like it appeared twice near some bookshelfs with glasses on a dark part of my house.
It also appeared on another room at night and another time when i looked at a mirror on my bedroom at 00:00 after hearing strange noises when i woke up.That time i didnt turn the lights on when i was gonna check and i saw that thing just behind me. Later when i was 13 it happened to me to see it on a corridor of my house.
I really dont know if all these times my mind was playing with me, because my house is really very cold, big and dark .sometimes i think it can really be paranormal but i mostly think it can be a tulpa. one thing i didnt say back there is that the times i saw it closer, the lights would start turning off and all the eletronic equipment near it would just turn off. also any wireless device would lose the signal until it disappeared
i'm not sure if this is relevant but in my dreams ALL of them i see a man wearing a top hat and a very dull purple robe, this man is unusually tall but not so much that he is obvious to me, any way, one night i remember falling asleep and seeing this man talking with a creature with spider like arms and wearing a hooded cloak...this was before i knew of the "slenderman" what say you?
p.s this man is not always obvious some times he is with me for short periods of time some times he is in the crowd. always with the same expression.
I believe he is out there and he maybe a for siting of death, or The Slenderman could be his own death. I think at this time no one can truely explane the wonders of Slenderman, and maybe we won't. But I do want to know is he an alien or real for that matter, or is he always there in our minds waiting for the right time to come out and tell us it is time to go. For now we can't say but in do time I know we will be able to find the awnser to Slenderman.
I have always been very scared of narrow things with long limbs, espacially fingers. When something happens too fast for being natural, even video speed ups, i get a feeling that makes me terrified. I also remenber something when i was 2 or 3, I don't remember if it was a dream or reality. I think that is the reason i am so scared about this stuff. What happened was that i waked up at night, and i saw something standing in my room. It was very tall with long arms, legs and fingers. I got scared and dragged the cover over my head and hoped the thing would dissapear. But instead, it scratched me through the cover. I don't know how long it did that, But then mom came into my room and the thing was gone. Maybe this was the Slender man.
Slenderman is coming
i really think this is true i have had sightings of this a few days ago it had really twisted me ive had dreams of this since hten they just get worse and worse every time
I used to see slender man when i was younger around nine or ten. i called him the octopus guy cause of his arms floating around. everyone just called me crazy and over time i forgot about it. but ever since my camping trip to big bear a couple months back when i saw IT again IT has been following me everywhere. stalking me observing me for only god knows why. ever since this all started for me again iv begun getting migraine headaches with nose bleeds, speech impediments, insomnia and iv been writing every occurrence on a blog to keep track of everything. im still trying to figure out as much of this as i can and this helps out allot so thanks pastor for posting this up. if your interested on whats been going on i guess you can check out my blog if you like
my friend slept over one time and we stayed in the tent in the back yard. i had a history of sleep walking and talking so i thought nothing of this but my friend told me that during the night i rolled over and smacked her repeatedly, whispering "there's a man outside, there's a man outside" she was kind of used to my night ramblings by then but about two hours later i did it again giggling "the man is funny hahahaha so funny, go look" i never remember any of my sleep walking/talking escapades but my friend sure remembers this one,
I would say that its a being or people that have been around, but it wasn't until he(them) were given a name that he(them) became widely known or acknowledged. so a tulpa, I suppose. Not that there was a specific point in time in which it was created, but that there have been (possibly multiple) point(s) of time where the mass consciousness has been reminded or made aware of the slenderman, followed by flare ups of activity concerning the slenderman. Whether or not the cause of more slenderman sightings is the attention of the public upon him, or that the cause of the attention is due to more slenderman sightings could be debated, but is irrelevant.
I personally had a run in with the slenderman, but until I discovered here in the past few days about him, I didn't have a name for him. He was merely the man in the woods. I had been out hiking with friends, and during the night several of the kids in my group had gotten sick. As the leader (sorta. the one that got stuff done) I had to run in between base camp and our outpost about a half a mile away several times starting at about 10:30 in the evening and kept on making trips back and forth with medics and taking items back t camp and the such until about 2 in the morning. During the trips back and forth I was mostly alone, and had the distinct impression of feeling watched, but couldn't see anything beyond some swaying branches and bushes (Camping in the pacific northwest). Finally, at around 2:30, I managed to crawl into my sleeping bag and fall asleep. However, I woke up half an hour later, needing to use the restroom. I woke up my friend who was in the same tent, and told him to just watch. I'm not sure why I did this. I think it was because I still felt off as though someone was out there. So I head out of the tent, go a couple feet away to take care of business. Anyways, while I was doing that, I suddenly got the chills, but looking around couldn't see anything but the trees again. I hurried up and headed back into the tent. My friend however asked me if I had seen the man standing beside me while I was out there, but he fell asleep before I could ask him anything more. The next day he went on to describe a man similar in appearance to the slenderman, but without the excess limbs. I knew that I had felt as though there had been someone there beside me, but had seen nothing. two days after it happened though, my friend couldn't remember what had happened at all, unless questioned thoroughly,at which point he would say he was getting creeped out thinking about it, and being visibly distressed wouldn't talk about it anymore.
Hi, this was a really interesting look at the Slender Man phenomena. It's good to see someone finally being open to the possibility of this being real. My friend and I have began seeing this entity lately, do you have any prayers or things like that for this kind of thing?
I will get you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a very interesting subject which I encounter by accident while surfing the net. For your information I am from Malaysia in South East Asia and we also have entity similar to the Slenderman which is tall and has long stretched arms but we call it "The Bamboo Ghost" or in Malay language "Hantu Galah". Most probably because of the physical appearance of the entity itself. It is interesting to share this story because we might share the same entity but in different part of the world.
This is crazy.... I didn't know about this "Slender man" thing going around on the internet but i have encountered this man many times before. the first time i saw him was when I was in my cabin in georgia. my parents had wnt to go get groceries and i was alone. I was feeling rather horny, so I took the oppertunity to go the bathroom to masterbate. As i strated to pleasure myself, I noticed a weird feeling that i was not alone but i did't pay much attention as I felt too horny to pay attention to anything else. As I finnished cumming I got up to wipe my self when i got a sudden chill down the spine of my dick. The second I felt this chill I noticed something at my window, It was a faceless suited man staring at me. I screamed at the top of top lungs and ran for my room. I locked myself in my room an hid underneath my bed and waited half-an-hour befor I heard someone come in my house though the front door. I got really scared when I heard my door unlock and open but to my surprise it was my dad. As I got from under my be my dad asked me what was I doing under my bed naked. That's when I noticed that I forgot that I got so scared that I didn't even get a chance to put my clothes back on let alone wipe my penus. That's when I told my dad what happend but he didn't belive me. To this day I still see slenderman every now and then and each time I see him he gets closer and closer. I feel like he's here now, watching me like that day that I first saw him...
on october 20th 2011 i saw this man that fits all the discriptions of the slenderman i was driving in the woods and i saw a balck figures about 20 yards from where i was. i stoped to get a better look at it and it was just standing there. I started to feel nevouse so i pressed on the gas a alittle and then his hands got very lagre and his fingers got as long as 3 feet! i floored it and i got out of the woods. it is november 21st and to this i have not seen him agian. but evry now and then i have a terrible feeling i am being watched some nights i cant sleep.
I believe I can percieve him... Every time I feel like Im being watched, I go into my head (not litteraly) and say "GO AWAY!" I am not afraid of him and when I dream And he might be there, I notice him and he is GONE! I believe that he might be changing his mind.... and if he isn't... well I try to think of him as fearing me... resisting to do ANYTHING to me... I do get insomnia some times but hey! Its Slenderman! You dont know him you will get insomnia or not!
the slenderman is real I saw it we were alone as kids me and my friend he had just told me about it almost 5 minutes earlier, then as we were going back we heard walking across the street and like 6 feet away he was standing right there we ran back screaming... but my slendy didnt stretch his arms or anything he was tall and just walked toward us, since then he gets more pissed off and NOW he stretches although he did stretch before i got freaked out and looked it up
Slender Man is real. I recall being told about Der Schlankemann when I was a little girl (I am of German descent).
This is very interesting, my friend told me about the slender man once because all of the people in my dreams tend to have no faces. This is spooky, but very cool!
i am 12 years old and my cousin told me about slenderman so i have done plenty of research on him its been 3 months since i have done any research because i got so scared and ever since i got the feeling of someone watching me everyday and last night i actually had a dream about him and today i started to feel real sick also my cousins speakers went all distorted following with his TV i haven't seen him yet so im really freaking out can someone give me any information on what to do
It occurs to me that Victor Surge's Slender Man took off because his creation had resonance with many, many other ghost stories/paranormal encounters.
Tall, thin apparitions have been reported forever. As have apparitions with shrouded, partial, or missing faces. As have things that are glimpsed only in the shadows, spectral stalkers, and so on.
Surge and company just found a new image in which to combine aspects of stories that have been told for a very long time.
I have spent the entire night watching marble hornets, wondering if it was real or not. once i read the start of this blog i felt instant releif. then i read the rest and my body froze.
I have never even heard of the slender man till today and already, I wish I hadnt.
I'd rather leave myself nameless, but here it goes I'm a 13 year old girl and I've been seeing this thing ever since I was about 8. Just last night I remember I was having a nightmare. The only thing I remember from the dream was waking up after his arms started coming after me. When I read about the other girl who got abused when she was young I can relate. I still am somewhat abused, but it doesn't happen as often. Other then that I was taking a picture outside today and he appeared. He was just so casually placed in the back round. I soon felt really sick after seeing him in the back round, so I went inside. After that around 4 my Mom told me to look outside to see if my brothers girlfriend's car was pulling in and he was standing there and then he snapped his head in my direction. After that I closed the blinds and just told my Mom they pulled up with everyone in the can my brother, his girlfriend and his friends. Around 5 he and 2 of his friends went for a walk and said they saw some what of a tall man next to my window after they re-looked at it, it was gone. I'm not sure if I should take this as attempt's to come after me or simple paranoia.
A question remains. Is His face simply blank, or a visage so terrifyingly hideous that our brain simply blocks it out?
slender man has started to haunt me in my dreams and every morning after the dreams im always tired like i havent slept all night ive been feeling paranoid and can almost feel something watching me could all be in my head or maybe it really is slender man who knows anyway my dreams have drove me to the point were i have started a journal full of research on him and the dreams and feeling paraniod have gotten worse im only 15 and will be 16 in a few days why is this happening?
I loved the Slenderman myth. It's a great way to scare my nextdoor neighbors when their being brats. But the fact that the pictures look so real and he resembles a dead tree of some sort makes it even better.
This might be my imagination but a couple nights ago when I and my three year old nephew were going to my late great grandmothers house to dry clothes I saw a figure matching slendermans I became worried for my nephew and told him to hold my hand until we got the clothes in the dryer drying and were back in the house I was so frighten by that figure that I stayed up the whole night with my nephew next to me my sister needless to say was worried when she saw me so exhausted I explained to her what I saw luckily she believed me because our family is religious people she thinks I may have seen a demon but after finding out about slenderman I am not so sure I'm scared about my sister and her kids living next to a wooded area with that creature lurking near by
I personally have never met a creature such as this, however...Some people claim they have. Be it psychological or environmental, I don't think we can do anything to prove his existence or non-existence. All we can do is choose a side, stick with it and hope for the best. The unknown being terrifying as the future.
I am now 16 year old and I never heard of Slender Man until now, but what really freaks me out is that I had one of these dream experiences about the Slender man. I was 5 or 6 and I was having a dream of people I never knew or saw, playing a prank on me at a cemetary. There was one person up in a tree, recording everything, while I was walking. They buried a jack-in-a-box, so I couldn't see it, but when I did a hand came out of the box. The scary thing about the hand was it had long, unnatural, slender fingers that were trying to get a grib on my whole leg. It scared me, so much that I fought back and ran, searching my way out of the cemetary to the gates. Before I could reach the gates, I saw to my left was a moving shadow, I stopped before the gate to watch it, slowly moving to stand in front of me. When I looked up to see, the shadow had become a man wearing a suit, but he had no face, just a large grin. To me it looked like he had a cloak on, but on a second look they actually looked like arms. He tried reaching for me, but before he could, I woke up, screamed, then ran to my parents room. I never went to sleep in my own room after that, I slept in my parents room for about 3 weeks, until I didn't have the dreams anymore. In those 3 weeks, I had that dream repeating over and over, and it would continue where it left off, showing me more of the suited man, but after he had a grip on me, I stopped having the dreams, but never forgot. Even now I have a feeling that i'm being watched and when I do, I automatically think about that dream. I don't know why, but I just do. Was that man the Slender Man the so called myths say? I only learned of the Slender man today from a friend, now i'm afraid if that man in my dreams was the Slender Man truely trying to get me or just loves to scare the hell out of people.
Erm...Hello. I'm not so sure about whether or not this is relevant. But when I was young, around 8 or 9, I had an imaginary friend. The reason I say Imaginary is because my mother couldn't see him. Anyhow, this friend was tall. Really tall. I was five foot three at the time, and he was about three feet taller. He had four arms, and long spindly fingers. However, I did not ever consider the possibility of him being Slenderman. Mainly due to the fact I did not know what slenderman was. Anyhow, he was nice, and friendly. I told my mother about him once, though. She got a look of fear and recognition. She told me the story of "The tall man". My mother is of German Descent, and she told me that The Tall Man was basically the bogeyman. He would wait until the adults weren't looking, then he would steal children away. I was frightened for awhile, but my friend...my IMAGINARY friend convinced me that he was nice. And that he didn't steal children away. He had a face...sort of. It was a strange face. the shape of it always changed. I cannot recall eyes or a mouth. However, I do remember him talking. He had such a smooth voice, even if he didn't have a mouth. Like I said, none of this may be relevant, for this man that I am talking about was probably no more than the imaginary friend of my childhood. However, I thought I saw him again. A couple weeks ago, outside my bedroom. I'm 18 years old, I had stopped believing in imaginary friends. I was starting to believe maybe he wasn't imaginary after all. I told my friends about the man, and they told me to look up slender man. And I did. Thus I am here right now. It is my belief that the person who won the contest for this internet "Hoax" Cheated. Because I believe I had met the Thin Man.
Hi, I'd prefer to remain anonymous for this, but to all those who have problems with slenderman try this: Forget about him. He feeds off our thoughts and drives us insane. I know because it happened to me and is still happening but is getting better. NEVER try to remember him once you forgot because then if you forget hims for a long period of time, you aren't a target. But if you remember him because of something or you WANT to remember him (highly unlikely unless you're suicidal) then you're gonna be on his hit list.
it is harder to believe that the slender man is real. ask me how i know on facebook caleb fowler.
Very interesting. Very recently (before I had ever heard of the slenderman mythos) I had a dream of being outside on a dark night alone, when from down the road of the forested area I live in I noticed a bobbing lantern approaching. There seemed to be a procession of these terrifying shapeless slender creatures approaching, the first of which carried this lantern. They had elongated skinny limbs, and hunched posture. As they noticed me, they collectively rushed at me and attacked me. As they rushed at me, I noticed their limbs were not just skinny, but had odd protrusions and spikes and while I could make out their shapes, they were beyond black, they where impossibly dark in the way that I naturally associated them as shadows or demons. I told my brother and he mentioned the existence of this myth, and I found it striking how similar they are.
4 months ago i woke up form a nightmere and i swaer i saw a tale thin man standing at the end of my bed i was so scared want under my blanket and cuddled my pillow then i looked and he was gone and now i feel like i was being wacth
I'll stay anonymous for this... So I remember from when I was young, I woke up in the middle of the night. I looked towards the door as it was opened and I saw this strange figure... It was a simple entire head that would make a "be quiet" expression whenever it seemed as if I would scream. I did as it plead and eventually it came towards me... I can't remember the shape but I remember feeling at peace, like if a load came off my shoulders even do I was so young... I don't understand why or anything but I think it was slenderman. Nowadays I think of him all the time, infact I want to meet him and see if I can attempt at a conversation... Get a photo and set it up on facebook would be nice too. Ya know, him by my side and ontop it says "bros for life"!
im 15 and i know its a young age to be delving into such a thing but i have been researching the Slenderman Theorem for a few months now and ive found out some realy strange storys and theories and yours has been a real help, i have been writing a book on this and wonderd if you could offer some help or just answer some of my split ends?
when i was 7 i was reported missing for sevral days. i was found 15 miles away in a abandon house that was owne by my granfather. when i was found i had no memory about what happened. i am now 18 i have my own appartment where i live with my boyfriend two nights ago i woke up standing in front of my window. i live on the second floor. there was a man standing there looking at me. i can remember what happened now
i was in my bed when i heard a knock at the window i went to the window and looked out i felt like i was just watching what i was doing i climbed out my window and walked away with him he asked me what i wanted most i told him i wanted my dad to quite hitting my mom i remember lots of colors and then i was taken back
two days later my dad did not come home from work i have not seen my dad sxince i was 7
ive seen the man a few times lately always when im alone always after dark im going to record my self sleeping tonight
i hope i can post proof
I believe he's real. I may be 13, and my eyes might be playing tricks on me, but I found out about him last monday morning. For the next two or three days I was terrified and couldn't even walk down the hallway by myself. I have been waking up early every morning- ranging from 2 to 5 am, sweating and feeling watched. I got up Saturday morning about 3 and watched tv in my living room in the dark. I kept looking out the windows, kind of hoping I would see him. Then I looked out one window and I saw a white-ish face with no eyes, nose, mouth or ears nearly pressed against the glass. I started freaking out but I couldn't move. I slowly turned on the lamp beside me and the face vanished. Again, this my just be my eyes since I haven't gotten much sleep, but I feel like he's watching me at night- waiting for me.
I use to never believe in things like slender man....Till me and my friends became stupid and walked into the woods near a park which supposedly he has been well...seen. us being stupid wanted to see the truth....we grabbed flashlights and a couple cameras with night vision just in case.... once we got there it was about 3:00 pm
But time flew by like never before! felt as tho it was an hour yet it was 9:00 PM. we found a circle with an X striked through it on a dead tree. at first we thought it was a joke. but then we began hearing a muffled laugh on our headfones then my friend DEAN dissappeared into the woods and we followed once we found him he was just standing there with somewhat gray eyes. he ran towards my friend Nick and yelled "Y DID YOU FOLLOW ME YOU SHOULDNT HAAAVE!!!!!!!" i thot he was playing till he began punching Nick. after we got him off nick he just fell to the ground and didnt seem to remember it... about midnight we turned on the night vision and all. and we heard rustling leaves then Nick began screaming "Dude hes real hes real theres no face THERES NOTHING JUST NO FACE!"he pointed at wat he "saw" and wen we looked there was nothing yet he was still screaming "hes coming for me! hes trying to grab me!" he started to run then suddenly he flew off his feet to the side of a tree. we picked him up and on the tree was that same circle with an X through it. Then suddenly we all stared at the mark then looked up as we heard something and....there it was.... just standing there a black figure suit and tie. with a white musky face with no features. long arms and tendrils from his back. we asked "GO THE HELL AWAY! YOUR SCARING OUR FRIEND ILL CALL THE COPS!" then suddenly my ears rang with a screaming screeching noise i couldnt bare. i am 15 and on that day we sprinted out of the woods then i glanced back and noticed Nick was... gone. we ran back knives in our hands thinkin it was a person pranking us. saw nick bleeding from the arm with... that same circle carved in his flesh lightly. we woke him up and we just couldnt move... something had Deans shoulder we could see black fingers on his arm so we slashed at them and before we noticed...they were gone. we took our chances and ran to the car and we all went home.... all the footage we took always had something wrng with it... ethier the audio wasnt working or there were odd loud noises we never heard.... nick still calls and tells us he wants to go back to the wood. and every time he asks we tell him if you go DONT YOU DARE COME BACK.... he hasnt gone since that day.... Wat happened???? im seeking ANSWERS
My question pastor?....
Is he the one whos hands reach out to my little sister?.... when I hear her screaming "HES IN MY ROOM! BROTHER HELP!" could this be him?
Like most malicious spirits,
If you give it the power to think that it is him,
you will be dealing with him.
I appear to be on the other side of the aisle from you I suppose, and I have seen and heard of creatures that resemble this "Slenderman" concept. I stumbled across this post while doing some research on my own.
What I know is that I was hearing of a similar creature when I was a teenager...well before the Internet became commonplace, let alone before this Slenderman mythos was started
I was just woken up from a Slenderman nightmare he was facing a tree and I was standing at my window but for some reason I starting banging on my window to get his attention then he turned around and looked at me then started walking after me I tried to move but I couldn't fear had paralyzed me I screamed for my mom and as he got closer to my window my scream went silent and I was unable to move or make any noise as a last attempt I had my cell phone (had no idea what I planned to do with it) I just remembered from the Marble Hornet Videos that technology messes up when he's near. My phone had stopped working. He got right up to my window but at the last second I woke up. In my dream he was tall && tan which is weird because he's usally described as white and he had a face but I couldn't make it out. Maybe it was just Freddy Krueger in a suit.
I'm a Marble Hornets fan and I'm well versed in the mythos. But I do think Slender Man is all too real, even if (bear with me for a moment, and I'll explain) it isn't real at all.
Slender Man epitomizes psychological horror. It's faceless, inexplicable, incomprehensible, and unpredictable. It could be anywhere and you'd never notice. You only ever see it from the corner of your eye, and then it's gone.
I would not be surprised at all to find that Slender Man really does exist in some form. It seems highly plausible, as a matter of fact. But even if it isn't a masquerading demon and it's really just a figment of these people's imaginations, it is a very powerful figment.
This is why I think it can be real even if it isn't. Slender Man may never actually be lurking out of the corner of my eye, but I'm still terrified when I'm alone in the dark. When I first discovered Marble Hornets, I developed a mild fear of forests due to the prevalence of "Rosswood Park" and other woodland locations in the series where the entity appeared. Almost a year after I first began watching the series, I'm still highly paranoid and I have a childlike fear of beings standing right over me as I huddle up in my bed facing the wall. When a shadow crosses the light shafts on the wall from some moving tree branch, I start up, terrified.
Now imagine that fear augmented, perhaps in a person whose sanity is less fragile than mine (though, to be fair, I wouldn't say mine is in particularly good shape). That would be such a strong fear that a person could suffer serious damage to their physical health, even death, from pure shock at something that isn't there at all.
That is why Slender Man is real, even if he isn't.
Now, if Slender Man is really a demon, some might say that raises ethical concerns about continuing to support Marble Hornets. But I don't think so. Slender Man (or the Operator, as he is called in the series) is clearly portrayed as a malevolent entity. Beyond that, I think the series deserves recognition as one of the most terrifying works of art in the universe while also being among the lowest-budget film projects in history.
May God's peace be upon all of us.
Hey Pastor,
this is a new reader to your blog, and i think ill be coming back for more even if this post is coming in a bit late for the topic. I only recently started to see what i could get on the so called "slenderman" because i think i have had a personal experience with him. i was sitting at home after a long day at work, and as i felt myself start to drift into a sleep, i felt something else in the room with me. out of the corner of my eye, i noticed a small movement in the corner of the room, and right away i thought back to when my parents were getting a divorce when i had just turned 7 or 8. i had finished my dinner one night, and started to go to bed, and i looked out of my window to see if i could find the moon. It was something that my doctor told my parents would help with my Insomnia. I didn't find the moon but what i did see was a man or something like a man, in a dark business suit, kneeling and looking into my room. at first i was frozen by fear, but then i started yelling. i remember just yelling that there was a boogie man outside my room. My dad came running in right over to the window. he must have seen something because he fired three shots out of the pistol he kept for home defense, looked at me and told me that he got him, and not to worry. since that night i have not had trouble sleeping until about a month ago, when i started to loose tracts of time. i keep having the same feeling of fear and dread that i did when i was about 8, and i don't think that it was very happy that my dad shot at it. Pastor if you have any prayers that might be able to help, i would really like to know, you can email me at magmormaster@live.com, please. and thank you for listening.
I believe I have seen Slenderman. 2 friends (one girl, one guy) and I were headed to Seattle from San Diego and decided to make the long journey in one day. As we were entering into Northern California, it began to snow. The car we were in was old and a bit worn down. I was driving at that time as we were all rotating shifts in order to each get some sleep.
As the snow was falling I turned on the windshield wipers to make sure my vision wasn't hindered. As I mentioned before the car was old, so about 20 minutes in to turning the wipers on, they broke. We were all irritated by the inconvenience and had to stop at a gas station in the nearest town, Weed California.
We had our guy friend get out and make a phone call to his parents because we didn't know what to do. He had just joined the Coast Guard and was being stationed up there, hence the trip. We parked in a McDonald's parking lot facing a gas station directly across the street. As our friend was on the phone outside of the car, I looked up and instant terror shot through my body. I turned to my friend in the back seat who was sleeping and woke her... I needed someone else to see what I saw.
"Look out the window," I said, "can you please look at this man at the gas station across the street?" She looked up and had the same bone chilling reaction as me. She instantly rolled down her window and told our guy friend to get back in the car, that we needed to leave NOW.
The man walked eerily, hunched over with arms that seemed long enough to touch the ground. He had to have been 7-8ft tall, dragging something behind him. He turned the corner, never seeing us, or at least not caring that we were there. I had never thought to research anything about him, because I didn't know there was anything out there to find. After doing some research I believe he may not have looked over at us because he had no face...
We drove in to the gas station, stole a windshield cleaner and got back on the freeway as quickly as we could. We needed to get as far away from there as could FAST.
It's something I will never forget. Being a person who does not necessarily believe in this type of thing I can guarantee he was not of human origin. I don't know what it was, but the image of him will be burned in my my mind forever. I have never been so terrified by something in my entire life, I hope to never know that fear again.
This is interesting. Won't go into detail, but a shadow in a fedora chasing ya around in your dreams is familiar....for me back in the mid 1970s. All I can say to help is this...STOP FEEDING IT. Don't give it any reverence or fear. It has no strength without those things. Don't waste time on a path you're not meant to be on. I think most of us eventually tire of being afraid. Honest fearless prayer can help greatly. God Bless
I was told to google Slender man today and found this post. Back in 2008 my friends and I liked to go to supposedly haunted places in WI and try to find anything paranormal. One of our scariest experiences was a place called Seven Bridges. While experiencing all the normal globes of light, shadows, and sounds we happened to be going down some stairs to the last bridge. My friend noticed someone walking towards us so we turned on the flashlight and nothing was there. We turned it off again and saw this incredibly tall(I'm 6'2" and it was at least 2' taller than myself) man standing there. That's when the temperature dropped significatly and it felt like our throats were closing. We ran out of the woods as fast as we could and right as we reached the edge of the woods we heard a scream. Just last year my mom took my brother and sister there at night and they all saw the same shadowy figure near the same bridge.
I'm 11 and one time when I was playing video games on my game cube my screen just randomly shut of in the black screen was a tall man in a black suit with a red tie I turned around and nothing was there I looked back at my screen and my game had turned back on
I woke up one morning and went for my daily jog I jog to the beach which is 10 minutes down the road from my house or a 1-2 minute downward hike through the woods, I was tired from fishing and kayaking the day before so I decided to take the path. Usually I see a deer or squirrels on the path I saw nothing but heard leaves I looked around nothing I continue walking and half way down I see something blocking the gate, it looks like sticks probably because I didnt have my glasses on and I was slightly far away. I was looking at a creatures arms the whole time when I was about 10 feet away I saw an obvious black head and body, It was nothing like the "sticks" i saw before Its arms slowly extended towards me I looked at its face, blank... I ran looked back it was gone, I had won I thought but a few weeks later i thought he won he imprinted his image in me something I will never forget.
im already insane, so i dont think slenderman can make me any more insane. but i recall one night in my house when i heard something creak up the stairs in a very slow fashion. the way it walked was messed up. it walked in a stop motion way. even from the stairs, the arms just stretched all the way to my bedroom until it was almost touching me! fearing the worst, i dived under my bed covers and stayed there until i worked up the nerve to go out there and stand up to whatever it was. but by time i worked it up, the thing was gone, leaving me to shiver. this happened 12 or so years ago.
The second image at the top if you look at larger images you can so tell "Slender man" is obviously photoshoped into it. I love stories of slender man and would also love to believe it but if you look at every supposedly real picture of slender man he has different lengths of his body, arms and legs. And some people hallucinating this man may be sleep paralysis or could just be hallucinating a man they said in the media.
Thanks Anonymous,
All Slenderman photos are photoshopped. That is the nature of the mythos. There have been no "real" Slenderman photos, only supposed "real" encounters...
The Slenderman is a fake, people are seing him from hallucination or just odd looking trees, Fear rips people apart causing them to worry more and more, constantly watching out for him makes you see everything less clear like a TV without HD. Looking everywhere makes you think you see him which in the human brain makes you want to look more to find out the true story, from those worrys they get passed on to friends and cousins to be aware of a fake entitie, This is why I hate entitie storys, you know they are fake but they always seem to make sence. the human brain processes these thoughts with pictures and fake videos trying to make information to prove it real. this is just like minecrafts ''Herobrine'' just aa fake.
When I was a young boy, maybe 8-10 years, my mother was out and her boyfriends daughter was babysitting me. we were in the living room playing video games and what-not... but then I looked out the window. The living room window views to the backyard which was a dense forrest, I saw him there, The Slenderman. Not exactly IN the forrest but I'm sure that's where he came from. No, he was right outside the window, looking at us.
I let out a shocked yelp when I turned to him. I was scared because of the impossibility of it all. He had no face and he was looking at us through the window that had no balcony, meaning if I were to jump out the window I'd probably die, so how could he stand there.
Here's the strange thing though: He waved at me! As if I was a friend it just happened to run into! My babysitter heard my scream and saw the terrified look in my eyes. I pointed to the window. She could NOT SEE IT! She told me it "was gone now" BUT IT WASN'T!!
I continued to stare at it. My fear slowly turned into intrigue and curiosity. We stared at each other for maybe 5-7 minutes. It made the noises of bending tree branches in the wind. It seemed like something, while strange, harmless and happy like a child. Then, it just... left. it walked away to somewhere else. I ran out to the balcony beside where he was standing and he was gone.
I have never seen him since, but what I would give to again!
I don't know what he felt, but I can guess. He wants to be understood, I think. To not be hated or feared or even (maybe especially) ignored by others. When you fear him, hate him, or plain ignore him he gets upset and follows you. After our encounter I guess he just thought he didn't need to do that with me.
The Slenderman: always there when you fear him, never there when you want him.
While I cannot claim to have any experience with the Slenderman entity, I did see something similar in a dream when I was just a wee lad...
The creature I saw appeared vividly in several waking dreams; vivid enough that I can recall it clearly. It stood up tall; likely over six-seven foot, and was vaguely humanoid in shape. It bore a night-black complexion that covered its entire body and seemed to be covered in hair, but given that I couldn't see hair outlines it could have been shadows or tentacles for all I knew. It didn't have a neck; the head was extended and attached itself directly to the body. It didn't have hands or feet, but rather the limbs just ended as if it was covered in a shaggy coat of fur. It's most striking features included a pair of mammalian ears and cat-like eyes, which were yellow and slitted.
Whenever I saw this thing in a dream, it was always in the light of day; never at night. It would peer around corners and look at me, usually resulting in me waking up. I would never see this thing entirely in any single dream, but I would always see the head and those eyes, which just stared at me without blinking.
Who would have thought that such creepy critters can exist in the human psyche, right?
When I was very little, I used to have dreams of a figure that fits the Slender Man very closely, except that he wasn't trying to hurt people. In my dreams, I always called him Nameless, because he always said he was never given a name. I remember he protected me from monsters, and he held my hand when I was scared. I have a bunch of pictures I drew from when I was very young that match pictures on the internet very closely. He didn't have a face, his body was black, very shadowy, and he was incredibly tall.
He told me that yes, he did take children, but he took them from the worst of circumstances, and carried them to heaven. The mood of the dreams was never frightening, unless there was a monster other than him. He never really "spoke," I just knew whatever he was trying to convey. He always told me It was very important that I was safe from them, but I was never sure why. I still occasionally have these dreams, and Nameless hasn't told me who he is yet.
This black figure has been in my dreams for as long as i can remember. Always ligering in the shadows, he never comes to close. But his arm always reache out to me, paralizing me. They havent touched me yet, but they get closer every time.
Hey man... I've seen this bastard before, but it's a little different. I had a dream when I was about 5 years old or so. My family at the time (little sister, dad, mom, and me) were in our kitchen in our old house. My dad and sister were standing behind me and my mother was sitting at our kitchen table opposite side of where I was standing. She suddenly grabbed my wrist and my sister and father fled in fear. Her eyes widened and she began saying something.. I don't really recall what it was other than I didn't understand it and she seemed to not be herself. It really seriously scared me to pieces.. but as she did this strange limbs started coming out of her back, they started moving back and forth behind her. Well that scared me so bad I woke up, jumped from the top bunk of my bunk bed and damn near broke my ankle from the landing. I sprinted to my parent's bedroom in tears and really don't remember falling asleep again. I still rememer that dream to this day and I'm 21 now.. The thing that scares me the most is I logged on to youtube and a slenderman documentary was the first thing on my youtube page.. I've never heard of it until that happened.. Dunno why but it seems linked to that dream regardless of the fact that my mom had the tendrils. It doesn't scare me so much as it makes me think he's watching me from the shadows.. but something has protected me this long. Any advice on that? Email me at natas1337@gmail.com
The same thing happend to me I was 5 or 6, I lived in Florida. But we would have people try to break in. But one night I was trying to fall asleep but I was scared. The I looked at my closet and there was a oddly tall man with no face.. I was not scared. But I was able to fall asleep. But a few months ago I saw him again this time I think he hates me. Because he tryed to grab me...
I don't know who will see this but you must tell everyone if you do the slenderman is real I worked in a government hangar for secret projects and the slenderman is a genetic parasite that grows for stealth abilities it was use in meetings in foreign countries so we could get info from it and it was suppose to stay small so it could be concealed an accident in the hangar led to there being an escape slender we cannot locate him and haven't been able to for over 65 years even though I am not that old I went through the files due to general curiosity if you see him he will harm you the parasite has grown you must find a way to capture him and if you do you must take him to the closest military base we cannot let him live any longer everybody that sees this slenderman it is the same one we have only had one escape it came from sector 369 in the desert. I cannot give anymore details please expose the hangar you find with pictures they are doing awful experiments and I will never go back I cannot be on any longer and by the way this projects name isn't slenderman his name is Titan X
After hearing about Slenderman, I recall back to something that my mother mentioned some time ago, when we lived in our old house. Now, keep in mind that we lived/live nowhere near a forest or anything of the like. She said she saw a man standing at the end of her doorway leading to her bedroom, just standing there. She also said that she saw him multiple times, and one night when she questioned why he was there, he just walked into the hallway and was gone. Since then, (to my knowledge) she hasn't seen him at all. Not that she's mentioned, anyway.
me and my freinds were camping with scouts and we snuck out into the woods (we were in germany ) my freind chris was shitting bricks faster then we could talk we got to the point were we saw the tree house were the older scout were during the day when we got up their chris started to cry my other freind shane had just shouted grow the fuck up ( i was 15 chris was 13 shane was 15 ) and then somthing moved below us shane looked down and he just froze i pulled him back then me and chris looked over down below us was a really tall white headed man walking like a crazy person back and forword around and around at this point chris started shitting whole houses i started to cry a bit we wernt sure wether its seen us or not those 7 minutes were the longest in my life all i could think of is ‘ i did it come from my camp are my freinds o.k ’ i was shitting it shane just sat there just watching it we herd a nosie far of the thing just left we waited till sun rise to go shane went back to the spot with a camra the next night he asked me and chris to go chris said never again i said o.k he asked andrew to go he said yes i feel asleep before they left i woke up gutted i fell asleep i asked chris did he end up going he said no latwr our scout leader was asking around for shane andrew and adam he went him them insted of me chris ran to him and told him everything he got every one to go to the treehouse were we found shane and andrew they said they saw him again but only for a minute adam followed it when it left we had a group of 27 looking for him when we got back to camp the ground owner said he found adam near the house when we asked adam did he find it shook his head no and told us he couldnt find his way back later that day shane told me that adam said it turnded and looked at him and he ran to this day i shit myself when ever we camp i keep a knife in my backpack i wont lie somtimes i cry thinking about it
i havent had any experience with that creature every1 calls the slenderman,but as people cant look directly at him and its not seen by every1,i think its some kind of nightmare that happens when u are awake,whats omethink that happened with me.but i saw a bat flying in my direction instead of the slenderman.
so i have 2 ideas of things u can do:
1:ignore him
2:ask sum1 to scout u and carry a gun to shoot it when it comes next to u
Least now I've got a name to give that thing, when i was around 6-7 years old i used to have dreams of this thing always trying to get me when i slipped away from whatever path I was on and it was always as he is described. when i was around 15 i was living in the country with my mother; Now mind you I've always had a connection with the other side ghosts frequently show themselves when i'm looking for them, but this thing was just creepy as hell, I recall I was sitting in my room it was a dark night out and i was just sitting reading a book, I got up to check my clock and out of the corner of my eye i saw something in the window I turned and it was gone so i thought nothing of it and sat on my bed to finish reading my book, I heard a slight tap on my window and looked my heart damn near dropped to my stomach at what i saw i quickly grabbed a flash light and ran outside with my dogs following behind,as if knowing exactly what was up my dogs ran to the area near my window on the other side of the house and started to bark very loud and threatening as if to say "you leave now or I eat you" as i turned the corner i saw the face and the figure almost what seemed to glide across the horse pasture and vanish into the hedge row. I'm now 24 ghosts messing with me i'm used to now and cope very well with them, I go on ghost hunts frequently here in Wichita,Ks. now my next hunt i'm going after this tall man.
more evidence for the slenderman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Tc55RZ-Pq4&feature=youtu.be
okay so i was on a school trip a few weeks ago in japan, im from Arkansas. i happened to take a black and white photo of my friends on the bus in Tokyo, and when we got back to the state i had posted pics on Facebook. my girlfriend happened to notice the slender-man in the background and now im super cautious and scared of every shadow >.> i have the photo for anyone who wants to see... email a request to see it. @ waylonmario100@yahoo.com
I haven't had an encounter with the Slenderman, nor any of my family. I, myself, do believe in Slenderman's existance. I live so close to the forest that I fear it is only a matter of time before I meet with him...
Good luck.
The Slenderman does not like to be ignored... Sleep with one eye open from now on.
Slenderman can tamper with electrical devices, but there are also other symptoms. Look it up on Google or something.
My friend. I have been researching this thing all night... I have to say i believe its real. There are myths based on similar things from long ago. Maybe it has taken on a new form and a new name? I have had an experiance with something like it and i need some help before it gets worse. Please contact me at thistechnokid@gmail.com
okay, i am 13 and have been recearching slenderman for a bit over a year now. Yes, weird hobby. the night i read this i was staying over my grandma's house. I slept downstirs and near alot of windows. At about 2-2:30am, i was doind random stuff on my phone when i heard light tapping on the close window. I looked over at it and saw what seemed to be branches. Then i remember everyhting i had read and thought maybe tenticles. they swayed alot and seemed almost jelly like. i only saw the chadow of them (it was throught it window) but then thought to look up slenderman information to see if i could song something similar. i clicked on this and read it all, and realized that the 7th picture (not incliding the vid, including the book) had the same hands as i saw. It was identical. After i left the couch (where i was sleeping) i went on the computer and then heard alot of static on the speakers (like the distortion in alot of videos, exept no other sound) im scared and dont know what to do, but in not extremel scared because i heard most slenderman stuff is at night/in somewhat covered/dark areas. I keep seeins stuff in the corner of my eyes, and feel viberations. Im now terrified. if anyone has similatr situtions, please, what should i do?? just stay in light? not im gonna go to the bedroom and sleep with the light on. :/ thank you for reading.
I stumbled upon this blog post after seeing a walkthrough of the game Slender (really scary game) and I must say, this whole story has been fascinating to me. I'm afraid I can't tell anyone my interesting stories of sighting a Slenderman because I haven't, but what seems to fascinate me the most about this whole thing is that it seems like a Slenderman sighting is a really rare thing. Unlike Big Foot or the Loch Ness monster, there isn't a huge database of people claiming to have seen this creature. Only the rate of people having sightings of it are increasing which make me wonder: if you look at a picture of a Slenderman, could it be the same as seeing him in real life? Could he be stalking you after you see him in a photo?
Today is a Friday. I am so freaked out right now because on Monday, I was just turning out my lights and trying to fall asleep and it had just turned 12:00, when I saw this shadow on my window. It looked like a skinny mad with a tophat. I couldn't tell what it was doing but it was bobbing it's head up and down. I thought it was a crackhead doing drugs, so flustered, I gained enough courage to turn my lamp on. I looked outside my blinds to see the almost-fullmoon, casting a shadow by my tree on my window. Feeling much better, I watched my "tree" move about till I fell asleep, and I had a silent dream about a castle.
Just a couple days ago I heard about an "Slenderman". My friend had posted a picture on Facebook saying that the game "Slender" was going to ruin his reputation with a new name. I decided to check this guy out. After about 3 hours of photos and videos, I decide to show my friend. We watch more videos and such. I heard something interesting from someone claiming to see him. This man said "Once you see, hear or even remember this thing, its stuck with you forever." My friends and I decide to play to game. We play, sound on. Sound off. Today we watched Windigo. I than called my boyfriend over Skype. We talked for about an hour and soon his camera got all distorted and I couldn't hear anything. He started screaming. He told me he heard something tapping on his chair. When he shined a light on his chair, he said he saw a very tall man black suit red tie and a top hat for about a half a second. He calmed down and I told him was seeing things. Then the camera messed up again, and it got fuzzy. Soon it went black and I heard him crying. Soon the call dropped. I called his cell. Dead. Called his Ipod. Dead. Computer wasn't on Facebook. I still can't get ahold of him. I called his house phone and there was an answer, but it soon hung up after a long scream. WHAT DO I DO??
A lot of these stories sounds exactly like sleep paralyses, I've had them myself a few times.
The thing is that most people describe a tall man sitting on you bed looking at you but you cant see the face, or that he is standing in the room somewhere looking/pointing at you as you can't move at all.
Look it up, Sleep Paralysis.
It was just yesterday when I met him... Tall, thin, blank face... I was playing Skyrim on my XBOX360 when I saw a dark figure out of the corner of my eye... He started reaching for me... I grabbed my baseball bat that I keep for protection and looked toward him, knowing my end was imminent, but then he just disappeared... I'm still in great shock and I know he will be back tonight. Please give me your prayers, pastor. It would make me feel much safer.
I don't know if I would call him Slenderman, but all the time, whenever I would look away or at something else, something is there. It moves so quick, disappears just a quick, too. When I don't look, he is either sitting or standing, in front of me or next to me. What he basically looks like is a not so tall person but about 6 feet. Has a lack long suit or outfit. And that is all I could see. There were so many times he did something, but the one I remember clearly was when I was 11 years old. I was taking a shower, my family was out for dinner and I did not want to go. While I was taking my shower, I hear a loud, BANG! CRASH! I step out of the shower immediately and throw on a towel. I searched around the house checking to see if anyone was home, which no one was. The alarm was still on and all the doors and windows were secured and locked. I checked outside to see if anything happened outside, nothing had happened. I walk upstairs and go to the bathroom to close the lights and close the door. But as soon as a turned around, something tall, black, and skinny fell from my ceiling and straight to the floor. It landed in a arachnid position and quickly melted into the floor. Frightened, I grabbed my housephone and called my friend And here was the *not exact but this was it* coversation:
Friend: Hello?
Me: _____! Please stay on the phone.
Friend: Why? What's wrong?
Me: Something is in my room...
Friend: What's in there?
Me: I don't know, dude. But it scared me to death.
Friend: What did it look like?
Me: It was...kinda tall, 'bout 6 to 7 feet maybe. It was very skinny, and it was black.
Friend: How is that scary?
And for the rest of the coversation I explained what it did and what I was doing before it happened. My family soon came home and I was relaxed. When it was time to go to sleep, it stood in my room the whole night, leaving at about 4 AM.
Although the name "Slenderman" was coined in a photoshop contest, there is significant historic evidence of an entity that fits Slendermans description. In a cave painting in Brazil, dating 9000 BCE, there is a depiction of a tall slender man, all in black, leading a child by the hand. In Egypt, around 3100 BCE, hieroglyphs were carved into the tomb of a pharaoh, depicting a tall man with strange appendages coming from his upper back/neck area. In 1702, a journal entry was made by a woman who spoke of her child seeing the Der Grobbman (Tall man) autide their house. She thought nothing of it and later, her son went missing and all that remained was a scrap of black clothing that was like cotton, but thicker and softer. Also, in Germany, a renowned woodcutter, Hans Freckenberg, created 2 woodcarvings depicting a tall, skeletal man with impossibly long appendages reaching for children. He was known for his realistic depiction of humans, so these carvings were quite a surprise but he was never questioned on them as he died shortly after they were made. No 2 places have the exact same description of this "Slenderman", but that is not to say that he doesnt exist. My personal belief is that he has existed since the beginning of mankind and that there are very many of him. There is substantial historic evidence to support these claims and I do believe that there will be many sightings to come. If this is true, and there are many of them out there and they are abducting more and more frequently, then humanity has a rising crisis on its hands. If this is true, then may God help us all.
I'm 14, and whenever I go to my grandma's house, I see a tall black creature moving around in her backyard, she lives in front of a FOREST, and it just goes back and forth. Sometimes it stops for a minute or two, and I see a white ball. When I turn back to the computer, and look out her huge window showing the backyard, its GONE. And its been going on since I was 7. It has long arms, and oddly enough, it KNOWS I'm there, yet it just paces back and forth! It doesnt draw any closer, doesn't wave, nothing, just back and forth. And odd dreams occur in bed after I see it.
my past live i can see ghost and all that crap the peopl can see.but i have never ever see a slendman in my life ever.i never tell you are crazy you peopl are cool in my eyes.love all of your all's stories it is amzing to read
gist believe in god and the angel's and pray
thank you
from angel of darkness
it sound creepy to me
I was up all of last night studying the Slenderman after I heard about it from my best friend and I swear I kept seeing him in the corner of my eye, watching me from outside of the window. When I finally fell asleep, he haunted my dreams. Turned all of my good dreams into horrible nightmares. I was on Wildfire in my dream, and as the rollercoaster went upside down, I fell from the ride. What I saw below me was the Slenderman, arms outstretched to catch and didmember all of my limbs. The dream ended right before I was caught. I woke up in a cold sweat, panting heavily. I tried to calm myself with music, but when I tried to start my favorite song on my phone, the screen went to static, and I heard strange noises from my headphones. I panicked and, seeing the Slenderman outside the window, I cried for help. My parents came into my room and I told them to look out the window. As the Slenderman was still staring at me from outside, they said that they didn't see anything. They don't believe because they don't know, but when I discovered this website I finally felt like I could be understood by others. The Slenderman still watches me off and on every couple of hours, and I have the feeling this will go on for a while. I do not know when this will end, but until then, I hope I do not fall victim to the Slenderman's deadly grip.
My nephew began living with me in January of 2012, when he was six. All was good. He slept well, made friends and never complained of anything. But in March, he came to me after school and said that a man had been standing by the playground and he looked weird. He told me that his arms looked really long and that he couldn't see his face. He told me that when he told the teacher, that the man was gone. I thought that maybe he was just tired at school and thought nothing of it, since I had never heard the Slender Man myth before. For a couple of days, he didn't mention what he saw again. He came up to me at breakfast a couple days later telling me that he saw the same man in a nightmare, but his fingers were long and that the man tried to grab him with those fingers. He was scared to sleep for a few nights, so he slept in my bed with me. For the three nights that he slept with me, I could feel an unknown presence in my room. When my nephew would wake me up by tossing and turning, I felt like someone was standing in the corner of my room that I couldn't see. It paranoid me a little, so when he woke up the next morning, I asked him to describe the man to me again, and then I looked it up on the internet, thinking that maybe it was common for children with tragic childhoods to make things up and see things. I eventually came upon the myth of Slender Man, which fit my nephew's discription perfectly. It scared me at first, so I started to homeschool him and kept him with me at all times. For these past few months, he hasn't said anything else about the man, but I still get the feeling that we're still being watched. Maybe I'm the one that needs help with this, but I'm never too sure.
He appeared in a dream of mine.
Started as a fairly normal dream, I was just walking about in a park and it was a sunny day. At some point I ended up chasing a dog that had gotten away. The dog brought me into some woods; it seemed night time considering how dark it was compared to the sunny park. It seems misty and murky too, I was still looking for this dog and so I wandered around.
After a short while I could hear the dog bark a bit, so I started whistling for the dog to see if I could call him to me. I began to run as the dogs barks seemed to be fading away rapidly, as if the dog was running. I almost ran into a figure that seemed to reach out for me, but I moved and carried on. I didn't think much of the figure as I didn't really get a good look, it may have been someone lost or on a walk.
After much running, I somehow reached some kind of dead end. I sighed and listened out for the dog, but was met with silence. I had lost the dog that I wasn't even sure why I was the one looking for it. I slowly turned around, deciding to make my way back to the park. As soon as I had turned I froze, that figure was standing in front of me. Now I could see it clearly, it was wearing a suit, seemed to have no face and its abnormally long arms were reaching for me. I couldn't move nor look away. The arms were steadily getting closer, then a thought appeared in my head, but it was not a thought of mine. I heard 'slender fingers shall slither into your soul'.
I jolted awake and sat up in my bed wondering what just happened, I looked to my door for some unknown reason and became still. Standing next to my door was that figure. It didn't make any move at all, it was like a statue. I closed my eyes, thinking it was just an after image of my dream. After a few seconds I reopened them, the figure was gone but its shadow still lingered, slowly fading.
the tall slender taker of children is an older myth often related to child dissapearences. however ive seen a similar figure before as described when i was nine. it was standing in the street, nearly seven feet tall watching the house i was in. at the time no dissapearences occured however the figure was slightly sinister with a child holding its hand. im not convinced that the slender man is real. but there may be some truth to the imagery
I remember many years ago I got out of my bed, in the middle of the night, took look out of my window because I thought I heard the gate to our backyard open. The light from the street light just barely lit up the entrance but what I saw was a man in black with very long arms sort of gliding along the path towards our backyard. I remember jumping back into my bed and hiding under the covers and started to freak out when I heard a scratching noise on my window. My brother is lucky to not have woken up. Later on, I don't remember how long maybe a year, I woke up because I heard a creek coming from the stairs. I looked toward the door and there was a very tall black figure standing in the doorway just staring into the room. I thought maybe it was my dad coming home late from work and checking in on my brother and me but then it turned around to leave and on it's back we whip like arms. I remember being scared and frozen in place just staring back to it. It's memory that has faded in out and out over the years. And I've always seen shadows and random movements of black in the corners of my eyes whenever I was alone. But I never made a connection between the first two sightings and the flashes. It wasn't util last night after stumbling across people posting about a game called Slender. Not wanting to actually play it myself I googled it to find out the story and was given the Slender Man. I love myths and fables, especially ones from horror, but after coming across a few sights of people claiming to have seen the Slender Man, my heart sank as a majority of their descriptions came so dangerously close to what I thought I saw all those years ago. The memory I hadn't thought about in years suddenly came back. Now I at least can put a name to the face, so to speak. But I've stuck with now calling him "He Who Walks Behind" after the creature from the book series the Dresden Files. I don't remember the sight I read the quote but it actually got me to pull my gun from my closet and put it in my drawer for easier access, the quote goes "he knows you know". Somewhere down the line myth and truth come together and when multiple people from around the world and from different centuries all describe a similar creature, it's kind of hard to shove off as an "overactive imagination"
just a matter of depression n fear i dnt think such a creature exists
i know. i know it all, most of it. i see him, i have seen him. its TOO much, to many years, finding me, finding him. everywhere. my mom is gone. no one knows, jerry too, me... i dont know what to do, why. i have seen it. it is a scary place, no where here, not that can be found. he showed me. i dont remember, just images, small memories. wont find his place. but i know, i have seen. he has taken me, in and out. if you knew, you would feel it to. cant lose him. scares me, but no harm, physically. but my mind, it hurts, he plays with it. you dont know. keep him alive, and you will know. i cant tell, he knows. his place, his life, his death.... i know, i cant tell. he can be gone for good, not by my hand. by all. find me, i will tell you. he watches, no eyes......
I never belived in those Slider mans. But I remember a day that happend 2 weeks from now. I was meeting my prostitute. I am a white male. But my fetish is on black girls. Anyway, she was tall and she was wearing a tie. It's an odd dress for a woman, but I didn't mind. So as we were having sex, she was screaming very loudly. So she covered her face with a white pillow so she would not make such loud noises.
In that time I closed my eyes for a second, cos I was cumming. When I opened my eyes again, I saw this black tall figure, wearing a tie and had no face. I was never so afraid before in my lifes. I closed my eyes again, hoping it was just a dream. I looked around again and I saw nothing at all. Just my favorite girl, laying on the bed.
I have never had an experience with this 'Slender Man' and hope I never do, I do not no if he real or not half of me says he is and half of me says he is a myth but it's just so hard to imagine a guy wearing a tuxedo that has no face and stalks people, if he is real then I do not want to live further on, first 2 of my Xbox live friends talked about him then one day I go on Youtube to see gameplay of the game Slender Man but then I see all these videos of victims, photos and documentries! And I shit my pants on the spot ( Not literally) And then today I see all these experiences of Slender Man, It's the only thing I'm scared of in the world from when I was born. BTW My Xbox Live gamer tag is MySTic ViRuS. I hope you guys never see him or have a near death experience with him, bye.
well the slender nation says its fake but idk. im coming up with reports and stories left and right. so far iv heard 2 police reports. one of which slendy actually appears in the interrogation room and is shot twice before killing the man and the officer.
im interested in adding slendy to my paranormal studies. and eventually to list of "calling out". i do research on paranormal/cryptids/crypt-o-zoology from time to time. iv even devised the perfect investigation to contact an angel or demon and have proof of it.
i believe in slendy being real and the Quantum theory that he is most likely a being from the 4th dimension. he can do a "phase walk" that allows him to "teleport" in our eyes. all he's doing is going to his Dimension then back to ours. from what all iv gathered he picks his victims at random but theres something about these victims he enjoys stalking. that i will have to gather on my own
I saw this book here. I'll buy to read. A friend of mine indicated, said that book is fu*cking awsome. A shame its only in portuguese. May be I'll buy and translate it. Its been said that is full of real reports and scary images.
Dude I totally belive u
im very curious with slenderman.. is it real or not.. i have been searching from some sources and didn't get any exact answer especially from the real witness..about the book, maybe i'll buy it..
My brother, who is a priest, sent me the link to this article after I told him about the Slenderman and the game you can get on the internet. In any case, my husband has told me on numerous accounts of when he was a child and he would be sleeping, awaken and not able to move, and would see this type of figure standing at the end of his bed. This has happened quite a few times to him, he can recount 11 times from when he was a child and it has happened since we've been married as well, 4 times to be exact. He eventually will wake up drenched in sweat and covered in goosebumps and can't sleep the rest of the night after it happens. Now, I just discovered the Slenderman game 3 days ago and played it for about 5 minutes before deleting it, as it scared him too much. I would say that I believe that it has some base in reality since it's happened multiple times to my husband and all prior to seeing the game, videos, pictures, or even knowing about this mythos. Demonic or not, I'm not messing around with it.
I have never seen him, but my girl cousin has, since a very early age, she called him big brother because she was a only child and he was always there for her to talk to he was tall, taller than her father that was around 6.4. She always said he was a good listener unlike her parents. She was never ever afraid of him because she said she felt a calming experience around him she never however was transfixed just talked to him as if he was a normally person. Going throughout her life he slowly disappeared from her life as she got more involved with freinds. She described it as he knew I didn't need the company any more. When she was 21, very recently she had gotten into a accident with a drunk driver. She was ejected from the car and suffered wounds to her abdomen in which she was bleeding out. She was in severe shock. Laying face up on the pavement, she saw him over her, looking down at her, she felt instantly calm. He reached down and wrapped his armed around her tightly actually putting the pressure on her adomen. She also shockingly said he rested his forehead against hers. Before this time she had not seen he had multiple arms. Which he wrapped all down her body. She felt so calm she couldn't believe he had come back. Later when the paramedics had gotten there he got up and stood close to let the paramedics take her. The doctors were astonished by how strong she was being for the wounds she had suffered. She should have died. If it wasn't for her " big brother" she had said she would have died. This is my first of me ever hearing about slenderman and from this I've heard terror and fright but from what my cousin has said he is the reason she is alive today. This seems to be very contradictory to everything I've heard so far. What do you think, like has anyone have this happen?
I remember.. Only in another forme. Not in black, but fully white it was.. It ran after me on the playground at night with two friends of mine, it happend back in 16 jan. 2005 (holland)
To put it simply, I think it's all bullcrap. It's just a meme on the Internet, and you can easily type up "Why Slenderman is not real" on Google to find a whole truckload of evidence. The concept is very scary, yes, and I don't think I should be reading it at night, but we are getting scared for no reason. It's in instrument into which people store their fears so they will seem real. An archetype. I remember a couple years ago I had nightmares that a giant Celtic sentry stone would find me and I would be powerless against it when I would reach my hands out and touch it, melting myself, based on a video game I played briefly. People will get over the fear factor of the object eventually and place their fears into something else. Slenderman is not real, no matter how much unfortified evidence you place before us.
i remembered when slenderman visited our house. I was 5 then, it was a warm sunny day. My parents entertained the mysterious slender guy in black suit. I can still recall vividly the scene. He entered the house carrying something that you can easily say a book. Though I am not so sure but if it is a book it is kinda thick. When my parent are going to ask him why is he here. I was dumbfounded, the next thing i heard is "would you like to hear the word of the lord?".
Lol there's also a song about him: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMugsgaPTfA
He slightly reminds me of The Silence from Doctor Who.. which are also very creepy
Hi, when i was young and I lived in a city I saw serval times on my hallway A man but he was not very skinny and he had face always appeard at night maybe tall and, but I can't remember how tall because that time I was very small myself :}} I do not lie or make this up I swer I saw almost evry night a man in a suit who seemd worried and when he saw that I look at him he always look at me with a sad face and then dissapear but it did not match because my "slender man" had face had no long arms and after moving at country he did not follow me, this was happening someware in 2000-2003 by that time there were no "Slenderman" storyes and after that when I was about 12 or 13 years old i had a nightmare that seemd very much like real-life , I mean the whole dream looked like reality in details my house evrything It was like this, first part of the nightamre I saw my mother speaking with my freind's mother and they were talking about a strange man they called it ghost without a face, I reapet that I am not making anithing up, and it is worth sayng that I never saw freddie or other thing looking like this they do not match in any way! So they said that this ghost camed to them at night and scared them while they were at sleep, ok nothing to wory for me...but then without remembering how , but in the nightmare now It was full night, a single light in the far of my house I was after the conner of my house and I was cracking some nuts to eat, I repeat this was my dream not reality,then soundly I didnt hear any voices anymore before I head my moms voice, but now it was like no one had ever been there nothing absolutly no voice, than i heard some steps comeing after the conner I had this feeling that that someone was not anyone I knew and that he wants to heart me! I grab that hammer that I used to crack that nuts and then when the steps were heard just right to me I throwed the hammer after him with all my power, he just full speed and dodge it then even if he didnt had any face I had the impresion when he stoped that he looked at me , but in a way that I cannot describe, he was very tall, taller than me but not impresive tall he was not that slender like stories tell he had black no face and black body without any suit, he had exactly things like something like lines spreading from his back and his back neck, and I don't know but it was like a black smoke that was constantely spreeding from him, hes fingers looked like some claws not very big claws but enought to notice them, I had this feeling that if I don't run and if I don't escape I am lost, even if i was parilize with fear I run like hell on a hill that was in back of my house I colndt enter my house because he was coming from that direction and I could not go by him I simply knew that based on his speed or what ever he did that dodged my hammer, so I runned I knew I wasnt abble to look back or to slow up or I will be doomed, tho when I was running I had to jump a wood and while jumping I made the wrong decision to watch back so I could know if I escaped him...wrong choice, as I looked back I only saw his black no expresion no eyes no ears no nothing watching me and his hand moving fast twards me! It was so scarry that I wake up with my heart beating in me like hell even if I was very sleepy I never closed my eyes that night i was too scared that I will dream him again! i told this nightmare almost to all my friend that let me told them, I will never forget that dream so either was slenderman either was a crazy nightmare I don't know tho It could be him in the suit in reality as a ghost and in my dream as a deformed creature? Since that nightmare i have not dreamd him or saw him, but after i heard about slenderman story I googled him and endeed up here, It just rememberd me about me dream and about that guy, but the first one had face and he did not looked scary It looked very very sad!
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i belive in him and ive played the game online and the 20 dollar mode in the game makes it a whole lot less scary when ever u see him in the game a song starts playing and it says gimie 20 dollars gimmie 20 dollars over and over again and its kinda funny but yet again i havent ever seen him in real life but i have herd stories and 2 prove im not scared of him i played the game all night than went and walked around in the woods and nothing happened 2 me but i did feel like i was being watched thow it was kinda or should i say really weird and the feeling that he gives u is unlike any other feeling u will ever have get in the game ur screen gets bullry and scratchy and hard 2 see and its kind of the same in real life u get dizzy and feel like your about 2 faint its super weird and i live in the middle of the woods ouut in the middle of nowhere and 4 someine else 2 be out there is pretty rare cause when i felt i was being stalked by him it was dusk and no hunters are ever out there then they are at night thow and i dont ever go out there then but i did sleep out in a tent a couple months ago and i could of swore we were being watched and i saw a shadow outside the tent and i didnt go out and either did my bet freind 4 the rest of the night when we woke up we looked around and there wernt any foot prints around and the shadow seemed really close
can i use this for my blog here is the link http://theengdept.blogspot.com/
I am using one of your pictures on my class blog. Thank you.
Here is the link to the blog: www.theengdept.blogspot.com
I have looked around various websites, and most of them state the obvious of the 'Something Awful' forum, but the thing is, the forum wanted to endulge photoshop and to create photos and spread them around (alike a wildfire)... And this is where the myth started. Many a people think its real because of them encountering him themselves, yet I think our imaginations acn drive us to think the crazyst things. I have a problem, and I cant even turn a corner without thinking about something awful being there, and I have no proof that ghosts are real (thing is, I woke up at 12 'o clock one morning, and felt something punching my face, yet nothing was there) but I am CERTAIN, that all this is caused by wild imaginations.
My suggestion to you is to recite some prayers in her room. If this haunting continues, try getting a local Priest to help you out.
i have seen a man that matches this description when i was walking on a track new the local park in ___ ____(didnt want to name the town) he was watching a soccer game from a far distance near the trees where he was mostly out of sight, i got alitttle closer to it and when i turned my head to signal my 2 brothers over to look at what i saw, he was gone. The next day after school around 3:10 pm it had looked like he was watching me near the house that was next-door near the corn. I immeidiatly ran inside and locked the doors. no-one beleives me
I have never seen this supposed Slenderman but i know somebody who has. My friend ------ ------- has seen him but thats not who he described him as. It was late at night we were at my computer. He was sitting next to me at such a angle so he could see the window in his perrefrial vision. I will do a narration sort of thing so you can understand it better. Friend: --- did you see that. Me: What? Friend: There was a figure near the window ( he was in the habbit of lying but he may not of been lying this time) Friend: There was a figure near the window. Me: Sure ---- your probably lying. Friend: I am not lying--- there was something behidn you near the window.
This I didnt realy belive him till somebody on a game told me about slenderman. He really didnt tell me he just kept telilng me that if i valued my life then dont look him up. But i did anyways around last night. Leave a comment in return to this remark.
Ive only just realized something today after a long day of doing nothing but going on YouTube and doing homework...... that i had a reoccurring dream involving slender man up to the age of 13.
I remember clearly having a dream in which a tall thin man with no face would walk into my room and stare at me with his head tilted to the side. i would always half wake up and throw things at my door screaming like a banshee in the middle of the night, trying to hit this man. and all that time i knew nothing of the slender man myth.....
Hi have just seen a few videos of slenderman or whatever you wish to call it. Anyway i raed somewhere that the dream is the first sign of him comming for you cause im really creeped out after the dream and iv seen the slenderman sign in my dreams a lot lately 2 the circle with the ex through it. Should i be concerned cause im freaking out???
hi guys i had a dream a while ago where a tall guy in a suit with no face and long arms came into my room and tried to rape me. Does that mean the slenderman is coming for me???
I had a dream about this..thing. i was running, traveling down the interstate with me and 2 people i didn't know. I'd see him out of the corner of my eye in this dream. The end of the dream confuses me though. i was walking towards my car leaving a diner and the 2 people i was with froze and i looked back at them and asked what? i turn and there he stood. but he a golden glow around him and his other tentical like arms reach out and the glow grew bright and i faded into darkness it felt like i was falling or being carried. Jerking awake i can never remove it from my mind.
I encountered him around the age of 6. I had woke up in the middle of the night. It was probably around 2 or 3 a.m. i saw a a tall dark man standing in the hallway infront of my room. I could not make out his face. I went back asleep. I woke probably not even an hour later. He was closer. He was at my room front door. I passed out from the intensity i felt. I could only remember after that his long tenticales
I woke up around 10 a.m. confused. I told my mom and she said it was just a dream. I couldn't believe that. It was to real. Now around 12 years later I haven't had any more encounters. But I do feel that something has watching me ever since I was 11.
awesome work !
im french , your book will be trad in french language ?
i want to buy it on amazon , but it is in english only
thx for all pastor
je n'arrive pas a décrire ce que je ressent a l'évocation de slenderman...c'est une sensation au dela de la peur...
i think i had a experience of "slenderman" as a child and even now.
I woke up in the middle of the night and felt instantly scared, so i decided to go and sleep in my mums room. as i got up and started to walk down the hallway i felt like something was behind me/ watching me. so i turned around to see,expecting nothing to be there. As i turned around i saw a very very tall figure standing right by my bedroom door and he was walking towards me so i started to walk faster and finally i ran and jumped into my mums bed. I went under the covers and hid my face but i still felt something watching me so i looked up and there was the figure,standing there watching me,he was there for about a hour just watching, standing still. In the morning he was gone.
Now as i am 17 i still see this same figure in my doorway of my new house in the night. I wake up and look towards my door way and there is a figure slouching against the door way and as it senses me waking up it stands up tall and is so tall its head is touching the top of my door way,it just stands there watching me until i put the light on and it is gone. It is very scary and although i was young i still remember the figure walking behind me..
I think it is kind of creapy, I didn't read the story after the point where a peace of a movie is shown, but I scrolled furter and suddenly I saw my name... Joanne. hahaha, not that I believe in the nonsense though :)
what do i do if "slenderman" shows up and he tries to kill me, is there like a magical word or something
I believe that Slenderman is very much real. I heard a tape from a police interrogation from a guy and a police officer. It was from twenty yrs ago. The man was talking about how his daughter was kidnapped by a tall man in a suit and long arms and no face. It was really quite graphic to listen to. Then near the end of the tape, the man called Thomas started yelling at the "thing" was right behind the officer. You can hear the officer yelling, "Oh Holy God!" Shots were fired. A brief silence followed. Then there were unexplained footsteps. When other officers arrived to the room, the first officer and Thomas were missing, with two bullet casings on the floor. The two men remain missing to this day.
Is it possible he is reading this forum right now?
Hello there.
I had a short encounter with the Slender Man about eleven months ago outside a park about five blocks from where I live. Me and an old friend of mine (who lives right nearby) were walking past the park at around six o'clock in the evening when I spotted a faceless tall, slender man in a suit about 150 feet away in the trees. I stopped and stared at him for a few moments and he turned and walked away after about a minute of me looking at him. My friend didn't see him and I didn't explain to him what the Slender Man is. I haven't seen him since, but I still worry that I will sometime in the future (Halloween is coming up...).
Best of luck to you.
hi im matt.
I have only recently found out about the slender man and the sightings and beliefs.
At first I didn't believe them. I mean who would?
But then..
I had this dream.
I was in a playground when suddenly I saw this figure. I looked at him and then suddenly everything around me turned into a rainbow. Now I know you probably think this is silly but this actually happened.
It was just me and him on the rainbow and then something forced me to walk towards him.
(This dream was before I'd read this entry)
My mind was begging me to run, to never come back
but my legs just kept on moving. As I came up to him he extended his long arms and he gave me a hug.
As soon as he hugged me, an unbelievable feeling went through me it was like the sound you get after someone has thrown a flash grenade, the ringing in your ears mixed with me shaking uncontrollably.
Then I woke.
Ever science this dream I have been living with a knife by my bed hopefully as a last defence if he ever does come.
The dream I still can't get over, how i was hopeless as i walked towards me, the feeling when he had me.
Please help is there some way I can be ready for him to come or maybe do you have any reassurance.
oh my god. i just got done reading this story. i scrolled down to see the latest comment and thought: "sh*t! this was just yesterday!". now i'm looking over my shoulder every so often, feeling paranoid. oh god, how on earth am i going to sleep? i can only hope this Slenderman doesn't come after me.
I have a theory. My friends and I have always been very drawn into the Slenderman tale. I have never been able to tell if it was real or not. I had seen the videos on youtube and pictures across the internet but it seemed to coincidental to be real. But then I stumbled across this blog. I think Slenderman could be real. As real as angels and demons who also walk beside us. But he does not become real until you believe in him. Yes, kids see him. Kids also have wild imaginations. The true danger would be if they began to believe it was real. I think this could be a case where our collective imaginations have brought this demon to life and given him more power than we can control. The real question now is what is he really? Where does his motivation lie? What can be done to stop him? But because he is such a mystery and so little is known about him except for what people are reporting we cannot find these answers. Thus giving Slenderman more power. Because now not only did our collective imaginations create him and make him powerful we now can't defeat him because we don't truly know what he is. So I don't know if Slenderman is real but that is my theory on it.
I think me and a person that I used to know saw this dude when I was nine I saw only once yet recently I had a dream about me in the woods and a wolf was garding me from slender man. yet when I saw him when i was nine i named him white face, he wasn't wearing a tux though.
when i was a kid,say around 5 me and my cousins got paralyzed multiple times. when it first started i remember me frozen in my bed screaming for my mother with no sound then when i ask her if she herd me she would reply no.then one day when me my cousins were hanging out somebody mention being paralyzed and we all started telling our story's .after knowing that its not only me it got cool and the experiences were not that scary. the experiences soon ended in the same year but i cant recall a faceless man or my cousin talking about one
Alright,I have a few things to say about the, "Slenderman." I have been getting involved with this myth and I have been researching Him. I know people say he came from the something awful forums... I know most of the pics of him are totally fake. But there's got to be some truth behind it. The person who came up with slender man, not only was just trying to make a good back story and a good legend... But what if the person who created it got it from another legend that came from thousands and thousands of years ago like... for example... Der Riter, boogey man, etc.
In my opinion... The forums are created by bored people who want to scare or entertain other bored people.
But my opinion on the "Slender Man..." is that all I want is the truth and will do anything for it. Whether he's real or not. I intend on researching deeper on the subject even if he supposedly comes after me. Hell, that would make it better. That way I can prove myself that I haven't gone completely insane.
i am 14 and i have since this figure twice in my lifetime the first time i saw it i had just woke up and was in the middle of my bed i opened my eyes only to see a rather short actually solid black blob huminiod shape i know that the shortness doesnt but i couldnt move i couldnt scream i couldnt even cry all i had control of was my eye lids i eventually woke up that morning that encounter was my first dream encounter the probably about 8 months ago just a few months before my house burnt i was walking down the hallway and he leaned out of the room in which the fire would end up starting in four months later this time he was around my heighth now and extremly slender i dont know why but i think it could be a way of something trying to show me that the paranormal do exist which i have always designed until now........................... this is proof for me
no matter how far you go
no matter how much you run
he will always find you
In a sadistic game of fun
Search for the clues
of your missing past
Look through your memory
meanwhile you last
once you find what you need
I hope you last
Before he comes for you
In the forest alas
Legends lead to the mysteries of
missing times
Since he will stalk you
till you last
look in both ways
where you run
since no where is safe
for you
Such a sadden tales
come to pass
Many missing children
to look for alas
But turn away now
Or else
you won't last......
no matter how far you go
no matter how much you run
he will always find you
In a sadistic game of fun
Search for the clues
of your missing past
Look through your memory
meanwhile you last
once you find what you need
I hope you last
Before he comes for you
In the forest alas
Legends lead to the mysteries of
missing times
Since he will stalk you
till you last
look in both ways
where you run
since no where is safe
for you
Such a sadden tales
come to pass
Many missing children
to look for alas
But turn away now
Or else
you won't last......
hello darrell i suggest you read a nice book and get off this web page it's not good to read all this scary stuff at your age, i'm 62 and i have never heard of this until today upon finding it and i have never seen him either so he may exist but then again he may not go and read a nice book close your pc down i hope your parents are with you at the age of 12 and i'm sure you have a mobile phone and an adult to contact if you feel uncomfortable and of course you can always come here and chat to us old people if you like, god bless you keep safe and have a good night's sleep and pleasant dreams, from diane x
Hello Darrell, may i suggest you leave this website and go and read a nice book until you feel tired and hopefully drop off to sleep, not everyone can see slenderman i have never seen him and i am 62 years of age also i had never heard of him until today upon reading this web page and it does all sound very scary but that's only to the ones that it has happened to, are your parents aroung i hope you are not on your own at 12 years of age sleep tight hope you have some lovely dreams, i was reading yesteday about domino the magician who was walking on water on the thames river in the uk, then i went for a little nap and i had a dream that i was walking on water, so the things you read about can affect you at night time along within the day time too, don't worry you go and read a nice story not unpleasant stuff like this Darrell, we are all here if you need to talk though so if you do get concerned then just come back to us but i'm sure you'll have a mobile phone and an adult to contact should you feel uncomfortable in any way, sleep tight and good night little one peace be with you. from diane x
I saw him, last night around 11:00pm, he does nothing when you watch him. The lights around my house were incredibly bright so I got the clearest sight of his form. He was not friendly nor was he a threat. With very few strength I had left I went outside and looked right at the figure. No face, No hair, nothing on the exposed facial region. His arms were also very long and flexable. He only stood there until my mother asked why I was outside, but when I looked at my mother to answer her question, he vanished into the woods. I am puzzled why he didn't take me last night, but he'll be back. I actually hope it is soon.
- Creeper
After reading this blog I realized that I have also had a one on one encounter with Slenderman, if you believe it or not is up to you.
I was living in Kansas City, Missouri in my high school years and about into my sophomore year I began to have this thing or some type of non-entity stalking me...
It would come into my home... I lived in a two story town home with a basement. It was I believe the spring of 2010 or 2011 when the incident started. I always make a habit of closing the door when I go to bed. I started waking up at the same time every night to the sound of my door opening.... Night after night the thing that was stalking me used to walk down one more stair every night and this lasted for a month. About 2 weeks into this... 'incident' I finally saw what he looked like. He was extremely tall, even to me a person who is 6'3, with no discernible facial features or really any shape at all. He was just some tall faceless specter of a spindly height. At first I felt no animosity or blood lust or anything like that from him. It was more like some voyeuristic feeling I got from him. Til the last day of the month I woke up to him chocking me with both hands and his face was so close I could see his featureless face.. I dabble in magick and was able to somehow 'make him disappear' I don't know if I did or if he left by choice. By then end of my school year I moved away from Missouri to Georgia. Recently I moved back to Missouri, now when I go out at night I feel like I'm being watched and I can't tell from who or what, but I get that same chilling feeling like eyes boring into my back as I walk around at night... and the nightmares have begun again...
If you think I'm lying your wrong.... I am an actual person with a real life and a name....
Louie Schroeder..
Thanks Louie,
Please write me at theparanormalpastor@roadrunner.com
if you ever wish to be on a network television show telling your story.
I would like to research this, I printed half of this off to study. Please, add more to this research. I've gotten much more curious about Slenderman then ever before.
Oh man, I got some serious chills with this...not reading the story itself...but the comments. One specifically from Susan G. about the man with the top hat...my whole body temp dropped when I saw it: the black top hat. I've seen that before...a couple times in my life. The one I saw wasn't that slender though, I woke up from a dead sleep to a black figure standing right at my bed with a black top hat and a suit... there was also a time when I spent the night at a friends house and slept in their living room fold out bed. At around 2 I had become restless according to my best friends sister which was on the computer and she says that I mumbled that "I keep seeing something" and then when she asked what I didn't answer. Then as she was watching the screen a figure approached her from the side and she thought it was her dad which usually gets up to do a sign route early but it just stood by the door and then it made an in human lean-in towards her which made her jump and look towards it but when she turned nothing was there. Probably one of the freakiest stories I've ever heard. Then when I was in the military I had a friend that I was talking with one day about similar topics brought up a story from his grandma which involved a man with a black top hat...I froze then just as I froze with the comment here...wtf is this? Maybe this is something more? Who knows? But I know what I've seen and I'll never forget it.
Oh man, I got some serious chills with this...not reading the story itself...but the comments. One specifically from Susan G. about the man with the top hat...my whole body temp dropped when I saw it: the black top hat. I've seen that before...a couple times in my life. The one I saw wasn't that slender though, I woke up from a dead sleep to a black figure standing right at my bed with a black top hat and a suit... there was also a time when I spent the night at a friends house and slept in their living room fold out bed. At around 2 I had become restless according to my best friends sister which was on the computer and she says that I mumbled that "I keep seeing something" and then when she asked what I didn't answer. Then as she was watching the screen a figure approached her from the side and she thought it was her dad which usually gets up to do a sign route early but it just stood by the door and then it made an in human lean-in towards her which made her jump and look towards it but when she turned nothing was there. Probably one of the freakiest stories I've ever heard. Then when I was in the military I had a friend that I was talking with one day about similar topics brought up a story from his grandma which involved a man with a black top hat...I froze then just as I froze with the comment here...wtf is this? Maybe this is something more? Who knows? But I know what I've seen and I'll never forget it.
Thanks Anonymous,
More research is in my book.
I'll remain anonoymous here
Anyway, I'm 14 and I live in the UK, and when I was about 7, I remember waking up in the middle of the woods near my house, and a lanky, dark figure with spindly arms and fingers reaching out toward me.
I woke up the next morning in my back garden, by my parents who told me they had called the police when they checked on me at 11:30 PM & I was gone. Ever since, I have referrred to him as the Long Man. I forgot about him for a long time, and i even forgot things like my 7th birthday
Anyway, just after my 14th birthday in February, I started seeing the Long Man/Slender man in my dreams & waking up at night and seeing him at my window. I started getting migranes and having to take time off of school after the dreams started, and even more when the creepy encounters began.
for anyone suffering from Slender man encounters, keep a firearm or a weapon such as a baseball/cricket bat by your bed. This seems to make him go away, I kept a loaded air pistol by my bed for the last 4 nights of the 6 weeks He tormented me during Feb. & March, and he went away.
Maybe he's scared of being hurt, so thats why he paralyzes the people who he visits?
i have had many encounters with what you call "Slenderman". I would see him out of the corner of my eye when I'd walk to the park, or I see him outside my window when I'm in my house. I've been told it just my imagination, but any time i see him, I feel so paralyzed with fear and I can't move or anything. For years, I thought I was going crazy; I've gone to psychologists, and they all tell me it's my imagination, but this Slenderman always shows up to haunt me again. It started when I was about 5 or 6. I was with my mother in the park, and I saw a white oval in the trees next to us. I turned, and I saw a tall man, in dark clothing, with just a white oval for a head. No face. He had these long arms, and these tentacle-like things coming out of his back. As much as I wanted to scream and cry, I couldn't. Ever since then, I've been haunted by this figure. I don't know if it's from some trauma I've experienced, or if it's actually real, but if you can, please help me get rid of him.
I have always been plagued with nightmares, and now reading this, of course I made a connection. Maybe six years ago, I dreamed of walking upstairs to the 2nd story landing. As I looked into my darkened bedroom, I saw my closet door was open and the light was on. A strange creature had a hand on the handle, and was grinning evilly. It had pasty white, wrinkly skin, cat-like ears, was bone-thin, and eyeless. It's arms were normal length but it had fingers longer than I thought possible and claws attached. I don't remember if it laughed or just smiled with it's huge sharp grin, but now looking back, I am just a bit freaked out. What's even stranger is that the former resident of that bedroom used to play WoW and other MMORPGs, so I wonder if maybe he was putting his energies into those things, and when he left, they didn't. Tulpa-ish.
Slenderman is real I saw him when I was 8 years old.
Slenderman is real I saw him when I was 8 years old.
I think he could possibly be my brother.
i have seen the slender man outside of my house at night and shadows in the fog please i need help
I don't hate him. I had an experience around 4 with him. I woke up with shadows moving in my vision, then I saw him. I could not make out his wardrobe, but I could see his blank face. He did nothing, but I acted strangely, I usually act hostile in paranormal affairs, but this time I simply observed back, I wasn't that afraid though. At some point I fell asleep and had a dream. He was in it but he was on my side, I can't remember the dream exactly, something about monsters and my daycare bullies, but the point is he helped when he was needed (which wasn't often). This happened 4 more times until an epic zombie apocalypse dream where I didn't need his help. Then the next night he came and while he said nothing he seemed pleased, then I fell asleep. The next morning an x was carved on my bedpost, and I felt stronger and healthier. When I look back on it I think of how wolves judge a new pack member, rewarding them for being strong and punishing those who are weak. Does he do something similar? From time to time he shows up in glimpses, and reminds me to be stronger. I think I passed his test, and I think he tests you, and that he will haunt you until you show that you're strong some way, just don't attack unless you think it's necessary because that won't help. There is a theory that he takes children to a better place, I want to believe that.The reward for the test is life without him, fail and he haunts you. More then that though, he taught me that I should never act or hate irationaly. but im afraid that he takes more because humanity is getting worse...
I don't hate him. I had an experience around 4 with him. I woke up with shadows moving in my vision, then I saw him. I could not make out his wardrobe, but I could see his blank face. He did nothing, but I acted strangely, I usually act hostile in paranormal affairs, but this time I simply observed back, I wasn't that afraid though. At some point I fell asleep and had a dream. He was in it but he was on my side, I can't remember the dream exactly, something about monsters and my daycare bullies, but the point is he helped when he was needed (which wasn't often). This happened 4 more times until an epic zombie apocalypse dream where I didn't need his help. Then the next night he came and while he said nothing he seemed pleased, then I fell asleep. The next morning an x was carved on my bedpost, and I felt stronger and healthier. When I look back on it I think of how wolves judge a new pack member, rewarding them for being strong and punishing those who are weak. Does he do something similar? From time to time he shows up in glimpses, and reminds me to be stronger. I think I passed his test, and I think he tests you, and that he will haunt you until you show that you're strong some way, just don't attack unless you think it's necessary because that won't help. There is a theory that he takes children to a better place, I want to believe that.The reward for the test is life without him, fail and he haunts you. More then that though, he taught me that I should never act or hate irationaly. but im afraid that he takes more because humanity is getting worse...
I have no experiences of this "slender man", but have heard of him none the less. When I first found out about slender man, I was skeptical of his existence and doubted it was true, but had a feeling there was something more to this so called myth/legend.
So, since I had some freetime one saturday night and couldn't sleep, I decided to try and find out the truth about this slender man. After about an hour of searching through blogs and posts of slender man, I finally found a documentary on the subject that was actually trustworthy, and the results were none the less shocking, if not horrifying. What I had discovered in this documentary was that the slender man story may actually have some truth behind it. The description of the entity is almost, if not exactly, the same. The entity was inhumanly tall( 7 to 7'5 if i remember correctly, possibly taller), had no face whatesoever, had very long arms,reaching almost to the floor, and appeared to have extra limbs extending either from the sides or it's back. The name is very similar, but the actual entity itself was located in an entirely different country altogether. The original location of the entity is actually germany, and the locals knew this entity simply as, the "Tall Man". In fact, the earliest known sighting of the Tall man was in the mid 1800's, due to the discovery of a journal.
the journal belonged to the father of a girl who went missing after going outside to play and strayed too close to the woods. The entries in the journal stopped abruptly after the mention of the father going into the woods to hunt down the Tall Man and attempt to kill him for the kidnapping and murder of his daughter, whose body he had seen impaled onto a tree branch in the forest outside of the village, with the Tall Man standing next to the corpse; just before vanishing, however, the Tall Man looks directly at the father, paralyzing him with fear. In the journal, the father mentions the detail of the Tall Man's face as "one of the most terrifying thins I have ever laid my eyes upon, mostly notably the fact that there was no face to be seen". After the father's sighting of the notorious Tall Man, the entity continuously stalked the father, nearly driving the man insane. As a result, he tried one last attempt at salvation by taking the Tall Man's life using a woodsmans axe he used to chop wood for fire. He states in his journal that if he does not survive that the Tall Man must be killed, for he is a representation of the purest evil known to man. However, it is not known if the father ever killed the Tall Man, because the rest of the pages of the journal were torn out of the book, and no records of the father were found after the date of the last journal entry, and no body was ever found. Dissapperances and sightings, however, continued some years later, and soon began spreading outward, eventually reaching the U.S.
So, in conclusion, there actually may be an ancient, evil entity that is terrifying, kidnapping, and murdering people, with shocking evidence to prove the reality of such a horror dating back to the mid 1800's, and possibly before then. Then again, this all may just be superstitious myths and legends that people have created to scare others and instill fear into the populace. However, we still cannot outrule the fact that there is strong evidence to prove the contrary, and that the Tall Man might not just be some old legend or myth and might actually exist lurking in the shrouded fog of a dark forest, watching.
Whatever the truth, people will always know who the Slender/Tall man is, and will continue to tell his legend, after all, everyone loves a good scary story.
My girlfriend lives in a heavily wooded area. When i am at her house, I sleep on the couch in the living room, which has a large floor to ceiling window. A few weeks ago, I was awake around 2 a.m. and thought I saw something out in the yard, so I wandered over to the window. The light from the barn was illuminating the yard, but due to the large amount of trees, there were a lot of shadows. I saw something/someone standing in the shadow of a large oak tree. It closely resembled this "slenderman" character. It just seemed to look at me, then turn and walk off into the woods. Since then, I've seen it twice more.
I've seen something very similar to this, but it hasn't seemed hostile.
My girlfriend and her dad live in a heavily wooded area. Whenever I'm at her house, I sleep on the couch in the living room, which overlooks the front yard through a huge floor to ceiling window. Several months ago I woke up around 2 a.m. and couldn't decide why. The light from the barn was illuminating the yard, but since there were so many trees there were a lot of shadows. I got up and walked over to the window and saw something, apparently this "Slenderman" out in the yard. I was initially skeptical about whether I was really seeing it, so it didn't scare me. It was standing in the shadow of a huge oak tree and didn't move or anything when I looked at him. He finally saw me standing there and slowly turned a walked into the woods. I've seen him twice since then, both while driving around the area where my girlfriend is from. One night I was driving through the county she lives in on my way home. I saw two deer standing by the side of the highway, so I slowed down, hoping they would cross. Instead, they turned around and went the way they had come from. I had to stop for a redlight, so I looked around. He was standing on the side of the highway. Were this a more populated area, I would consider some kid playing jokes on people. But this is a very sparsely populated North Carolina county. Once again, it didn't seem hostile at all, just curious. So I decided to speak to him. I asked him if he was lost. I didn't get any sort of response, he just started walking down the highway. I saw him a few days ago in the same area standing by the side of the road early in the morning.
You know who the real monster is? Capitalism
I have had an encounter with this entity, in my dreams he attacked me!. I was paralyzed with fear but this is my story. One night as I slept passed out in my sofa I had the most pecular dream, my dream was about me laying there awake in the same sofa, in the same position as I slept, but in complete darkness, then out of nowhere this thing (defenetly not human) reached out and grabbed me by the neck!, I struggled to get free and I heard a faint but calm voice that demanded I went with him!. I was awoken by my struggles as I seemed to not only struggle in my dream but in reality aswell, I gave it no further though and decided to dismiss this as a nightmare only to my surprise as I fell asleep again (same place and position) I opened my eyes to find myself in the same dark void were me and my sofa were the only thing visible to my eyes then from the darkness a long very thin hand with unnaturally long fingers reached for my neck once more, this time I was quick on the draw and grabbed it before it could get a hold of me, I struggled to fight it but even with the strength of my 2 arms was not enough, I tried to use my legs but only to reach with my toes to its chest (I'm 5'7) that's quite the length of an arm and quickly panicked and felt a fear unlike any other as I realized I was fighting with something not of this world, my struggles were futile and he took hold of me once more and as its hand made contact with my neck there was a psychic connection that with it, it would let him speak directly into my head and again the dreadful voice again once more spoke saying to go with him, as my struggled semmed pointless I was awoken up yet once more to my relief. I turned on every possible light in my apartment as to get rid of the shadows. As I laid there fatigue was setting in and my eyes started to get heavy and my vision blurred I decided to call my girlfriend to let her know what happen in efforts to stay awake, in her best ways to trying to comfort me I fell asleep once more since the lights gave me a slight sense of security.... what happned next was the terrifying moment in my entire life... I was yet again at the same place but this time I was fully aware of what was happening and yet again the "thing" still stood there as if waiting for me in my dreams.. he reached out and this time there was no fighting it, its long fingers grasped my neck completely and again that psychic connection was made and the words.. those words.. there were no longer calm or faint there were loud angry he yelled inside my head an he's voiced echoed I looked for salvation but darkness took me I was begging to loose movement apart from this place the complete darkness it was fully visible he was tall, unhuman tall! he's arms seemed to be everywhere, and was pale white with sorta kind of light blue I could see a face it was shrouded in the dark but I could still make out the silhouette of it.. This is what it told me "why did you tell someone!! just embrace me!!"... my heart stopped and for a moment felt death was certain.. and just like a bad dream I woke up to the vibrations ot my phone as I was getting an incoming call from my girlfriend apologizing that the line cut off and all she could hear was static, to this day I know this was no dream, the intense feeling of all hope lost still remains, and the feeling and the thought of that thing just waiting for me to strike again makes it impossible to sleep some nights.. and the questions that remain unanswered is how did it know I told someone? and what did he want with me? there no doubt he stalks everyday someone please help..
sorry if grammar and some spelling is bad it's hard to focus when my mind is exhausted, but I needed to get my story out there if someone has had the same horrific event please help me if you know anything on how to get rid of it or protect myself
When I was little, I always thought I saw people looking at me that when i looked weren't there. This almost always happened at school, my old school...we had a foresty area at the huge recess playground, and they (it?) were always peeking out from behind trees. Sometimes I thought it was people I knew, but there was something off about them. Now i realize they had no face. It's just weird, I don't know.
When I was little I saw a black figure several times in my house. The few times I saw it, it was standing in my bedroom doorway watching me. It terrified me, although it never tried to touch me. It was just an opaque humanoid shadow that would eventually turn and walk away.
I saw it once again when I was a teenager. I was wide awake, fully alert and am quite sure it wasn't just a dream. It was outside our house at night and I was with my brother in the far corner of our yard, which was fenced off on each side. It slowly walked towards us from the house, so would couldn't do anything but watch or move closer to it. It slowly walked towards us, over about ten minutes, and when it was about 10 feet from us just seemed to evaporate. I havent seen it since.
I think what I saw was a ghost, but I really cant be sure. The Slenderman seems to share traits of men in black, wendigo, and shadow people. I think what people call the Slenderman is either one of those, or a tulpa.
It is The Slenderman.
the bible in revelations i believe, does state that in the end times (what i believe we are in right now)does say something about some type of alien beings coming down to earth. just saying.
Hi, im from mexico im 17 years old, i have no idea of what to do, i had an enconunter with this thing when i was 7 or 8 i was sleeping in my bed wiyh de door opened when that feeling of being stalked woke me up i saw the no faced man standing at my door watching me, the horror apoderated of me that noght just in a blink of my eyes he was no longer there i runned to my parents bedroom and i stayed there that night i havent seen it after that i have just seen some type of likely figures in the darkness at midnight but i am not sure if was that, a few weeks ago i started to knew this happens everyday in all the wolrd im sacared i didnt knew anything of this shit now i know its real and im afraid HELP! PKEASE! this is my e-mail... PLEASE HELP! luis_gallomiron@hotmail.com
I once had a dream Slenderman was both mine and my mother's surrogate mother.
''When I look back on it I think of how wolves judge a new pack member, rewarding them for being strong and punishing those who are weak. Does he do something similar? From time to time he shows up in glimpses, and reminds me to be stronger.''
This is almost exactly like my dream experience of him. He showed up whenever I needed some kind of maternal presence it seemed.
This slenderman must be american then? I've never seen him here in England. Neither anyone else that I know. Slenderman or Tall man probably was on vacation when that town went missing in Germany. Don't get me wrong, he's a creepy character but I wont hold my breath about seeing him any time soon. I'll let you know if he comes for me :)
What about the children what happens to them? where do they go? and can they ever come back?
My friend has been seing Slender Man alot.I do not know if he will live or not.He has had some close calls.One time he his dog was out and he was awake at night.When suddently he heard a yelp!He whent outside and across the street the dog was ripped in half.He was looking around and a big arm pulled behind a house.My friend has stabbed him with a pocket knive. But he healed!I have not seen any picture proveing he seen Slender Man or not.I hope my friend lives.
Molly, my name is Kane, I'm also 15 and I would advise you to seriously stop, I too have been researching slenderman and one thing I found out is that if you get too deep, you won't be able to climb out. I've only been doing this for a week and I am always having to look over my shoulder for no reason since the first day I started reaserching him. please stop now
It was 1998 and I was 10 years old the one and only time I saw the figure. It was around 3p.m., I had just come home from school and was home alone. I walked past my bedroom and sitting on my bed was a man. He wasn't looking at me, he was facing my television just staring. He had no face, it had no features, it simply looked like an eggshell. He was wearing a black suite with a white dress shirt. As I did a double take to look at him once more he was gone. He did not seem harmful or scary to me. I immediately told my mother when she got home from work. I called him the Tuxedo Man and have referred to him as this for all of my life. Many of my family members have heard me tell the story of the Tuxedo Man, and we always speculated it might be the ghost of my cousin Bryan who died at a young age. That was until this past year. I was looking through the app store on my iphone and saw a slender man game based around an urban legend. Being the paranormal freak that I am I began researching the legend. As soon as I read the description of the Slender Man my heart stopped. It was EXACTLY what I had seen as a child. The Tuxedo Man had been such a popular ghost story within my family that I could not believe these stories of the Slender Man were actually validating what I had seen. It seems as though a lot of the people who have similar stories to mine saw this figure when they were young as well. I know that children are supposed to be extremely susceptible to paranormal experiences. I'm 24 years old now, and I never did have another experience with the Tuxedo Man but I'll never forget what I saw that day, but it feels good and a bit scary to know that others have seen the same.
my friend always says that he dreams of slender man and once i was scared to death cuz he told me something he was in a dream and when he was in his house he saw the x in the circle then he went downstairs and he walked past the kitchen then....in the courner of his eye he saw a tall skinny man in a black tuxedo and he had tentacles coming out his back so he just woke up he wanted my help cuz i know lots about him. i told him it was just a dream and i told him before u go to bed make a story up something like kill slender with a sub machiene gun and it actually worked....anyway thats my true story
Perhaps "Slender Man" is a character created by human minds to deal with natural phobias, such as the dark (creating the dark figure), spiders (spider-like fingers), and the unknown (his face, or lac thereof.) Human have also always been on guard about being watched, it's a natural survival instinct. With the introduction to paranormal entities and aliens, this could be a way of dealing with all of our fears.
The first thing that I would like to say is that I am of a perfectly healthy mental state. With that out of the way, I would like to describe my story. I was traveling in 2009, around July. I had not seen the 'Slender' story yet. We had to stop in a forest to sleep. We thought we heard someone, so we had to be prepared to leave quickly, which involve me sleeping on the back of the pick-up truck that we were in. We had a tarp over the back for privacy. Late into the night I awoke for a reason which I still don't know. I looked towards an opening in the tarp, and there was a man in a suit. I could only see a bit of him, so I can't describe height, fingers, etc. but I do remember his face (which was blank) and suit. I tried to scream, but nothing came out, and I could not move. When I finally managed to move and wake my father who was sleeping next to me, the man was gone. I looked away for a split second and the man had disappeared. My father told me that it was merely a dream, and we never again spoke of it. I had forgotten it until I read this thread, and now I can remember every detail, and I am shaking, just thinking about it.
I am 18 now and i stubled on this page. I remember from a little while ago my Mama and I were talking about when I was younger. She said that I this imaginary friend named Shadow. I remember Shadow and that moment. I was playing outside with Shadow and my Mama asked me, "Who are you playing with?" and I said, "Shadow." She asked me like any adult does, "What does Shadow look like?" I told her, "Tall, really tall, taller than Brother (my brother is 6.2") and he wears black like Daddy's sad suit (funeral dress suit)." My Mama looked at me and then asked, "Where is this Shadow?" She must have been expecting me to point to my own shadow like normal kids do but my Mama told me I pointed to the chicken house that hadn't been used in years. She told me to go into the house and she grabbed the gun. When she came back from the chicken house she told me to stop fibbing and that imaginary friends aren't real. I tried to argue with her but I just got a spanking. I never told her that I was playing with Shadow again. I tried to ignore him but then I started having nightmares. When I would wake up he would be near my bed, at first I went to my parents but then they started to yell at me so I stopped going to them. One night I was so scared that I ran across my room and into Shadows arms. Everything went black and I woke up I was in my bed.
when i was little it sounds strange but a tall figure in a funeral outfit use to play with me. he was my imaginary friend, i called him shadow. until my grandmother found out and spanked me. she told me that he was fake and that i should forget about him. i tried but when i ignored him bad things started to happen like someone or i would get hurt. finally i started to play with him again but not around my grandmother. one day she caught me and gave me a horrible punishment. i cried until he showed up again and i ran into his arms. my pain when away and i slept for three days straight when i woke up the ambulance was over top of me and my grandma was already loaded. she was on life support for two months before she died. Shadow stayed around till middle school. now he just shows up every now and then.
I was in school the other day when my friend told me about Slender man. No description. So igoogled him and he looked a lot like my so called "gaurdien angle" he has been following me since i was little a girl. I first saw him when I was about 9 and my granddad was really ill. I woke up and he was stood at the end of my bed. He asked me what I wanted most, my answer was for my granddad to get better. The next day my granddad was released from hospital, 100% normal. Since then he helped me and made life only just bearbal. I have a good life at home but at school i am the one everone bullys. He stopped that.
I don't see why everyone thinks he is evil and kidnapps people. He just wants to help people. His life is not plesant. So he tries to help people. Please let him help.
I had a dream. A nightmare, if you will. Except... This was different. Not the typical Slender Man nightmare. It was like a cartoon... comical... almost funny. In this dream, I was female. (Which I am actually not) I was with someone else. A friend. We were in a large room... And it was almost like a game. Our goal was to avoid the Slender Guy. To not look at him. I caught a glimpse of him, then turned to look at him. He was running faster than I had ever seen anything run. He ran right into a wall... then he started running at me. The only difference, was that he had eyes. Silly looking eyes. Then the dream shifted. I met a demon... He said he was the Slender Man's father. He wanted me to encounter the Slender Man on 10 seperate occasions. For what reason, I have no idea. I remember being scared. Slender Man's father said that was natural, that the fear would stop after I had seen the entity 10 times. I only saw him three times before waking up. Once, in the large room. Again, in a house I had never seen before, with a long hallway with a glass door at the end. I saw his torso through the glass, and was thrown backwards with overwhelming force. The third time, in a dimly lit bathroom, he put a hand on my shoulder and forced me to turn around and look at him. It was then that I woke up. I am feeling a tad more paranoid then I have felt before, after that dream. There were feelings of immense fear during the dream, but the whole dream in general wasn't that scary. It just seemed silly. Now I have no idea what to do.
This comment isn't meant for anyone. Only to tell of what slender man generated and/or generates from. He is what is know as a Tupla Effect. The more people or a person believes in something the more it becomes real, and may not be wanted by mankind. Most people that say they've seen, dreamt, and feared slender man, have only convinced and believed that he was/is real.
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