Sunday, July 17, 2011


He was officially created in an internet contest when the readers of the “Something Awful” forums were asked to create a paranormal entity in a thread named “Create Paranormal Images”. The scheme was to create eerie images and use them to trick people on paranormal forums into thinking they were genuine. Users started photoshopping images by adding fake ghosts and other bizarre figures, usually accompanied by a fake back story to make them seem authentic.

On June 10th of 2009 a user named Victor Surge posted to the thread with 2 photos and an explanation that the entity stalked children.

The myth of Slenderman was born.

The explanation that Victor Surge included with the photos was the haunting detail that the photographs were taken on a day on which fourteen children disappeared. He then further explains that the library where the photo was found burned down a week after the pictures were taken. This Slenderman entity was a shadow creature, overly tall and thin. It had long arms that stretch to inhuman lengths to ensnare its prey. To add to its unearthliness, Slenderman had no face. His primary motivation at first was to kidnap and kill children. Supposedly, he is seen right before the disappearance of a child or even a mass kidnapping of multiple children. He seems to prefer silently stalking in the midst fog enshrouded streets and wooded areas so he can obscure himself from the casual eye. However, children have been able to see him when adults in the vicinity could not. The mythos also states that children also have dreams or nightmares concerning The Slender Man before their disappearance.

Quickly the mythos was expanded. Once Slenderman was seen, he would stalk you for the rest of your life. His goal was to slowly drive you insane by appearing in your periphery, eventuallythreatening you with death. Soon his victims no longer were limited to children but teenagers and adults were soon to become stalked by the tall faceless man. The mythos quickly gained some trappings of Ufology’s Men in Black phenomenon as he appeared in a dark modern suit with white shirt and black tie. He also gained added appendages, which sprout from his side like tree limbs. One UFO site adds: “Once his arms are outstretched, Slender Man’s victims are put into something of a hypnotized state, where they are utterly helpless to stop themselves from walking into them. Slender Man is also able to create tendrils from his fingers and back that he uses to walk. Whether Slender Man absorbs, kills, or merely takes his victims to an undisclosed location or dimension is also unknown as there are never any body’s or evidence left behind in his wake to deduce a definite conclusion.”

Soon image board across the web contained threads including original Slenderman art as well as stories. Soon blogs were dedicated to the mythos and Youtube videos chronicled the diabolical entity’s torment of a few ill fated individuals. There is even an alternate reality game: Marble Hornets that combines Youtube and twitter accounts to build a narrative surrounding a film student's discovery of horrifying film footage his friend had taken.

Some say the Slenderman myth is inspired by archaic archetypes of folklore, like death stalking the plague riddled inhabitants of Medieval Europe as depicted in Hans Holbein's 16th century woodcuts of the Dance of Death. But recently the mythos and folklore has begun to manifest itself into real life. On November 6th 2009 a young man called Coast to Coast am with an encounter his girlfriend had with an entity resembling Slenderman. It started a flurry of listeners to call, relating their own stories of Slenderman type encounters. Here are the calls.

Some take this call to be a hoax, or the ramblings of some people who mistakenly perceived the game of Marble Hornets to be a real account. Or in the case of the mother who called, (The Buffy episode is called “Hush” which was the 10th episode of the 4th season which aired on December 14, 1999) it is attributed to someone who has inserted a dramatic television show’s visual story telling into her past dreams. But I do not think this is what was happening. I too have received stories of various encounters of Slenderman. The first came in August of 2009, from a woman named “JoAnne”:

“…from childhood I have seen this demonic figure. He is a tall shadow. He has no face, but he has long arms. Out of the corner of my eye on certain nights I see him and his arms seem to be reaching out to me, and when I turn to look at him, the thing is gone. I have the real feeling that if I don’t turn around to look at him his arms will catch me up and I will die.”

“JoAnne” then described some personal details of her life that accompanied the “Slenderman” appearance, which included child abuse and neglect at a young age. Close to the end of her letter she made the chilling announcement,

“I am afraid that he is stalking me, and that one day I will not be able to catch him trying to snatch me up. This fills me with such fear, word can’t describe. Sometimes I think I am going nuts. I feel like he is going to get me when I don’t expect it. Some nights I can’t sleep, noises outside make me jump. When the wind cranks up and things start to rattle, I am so scared. I need help!”

I responded to “JoAnne” and gave her some simple prayers and commands for the entity to leave her alone. I have tried to contact her numerous times, but I never get a reply. One part of me feels it might be a psychotic incident with prolonged effects on her mental state, but when I started to receive other similar letters, I began to think twice.

I received an anonymous comment on my blog dated January 12, 2010 that in part reads:

“ My name is____. I am being hunted by a shadow creature. It is tall and thin and tries to catch me in its long arms. I saw it in a dream, and now it is real. All I see in the face are two eyes, and when I look in them those arms try to get me.”

And a more recent and extensive one comes from a few weeks ago:

“…every night since the start of June, between 12 and 4 in the morning I get a phone call from my ex-girlfriend. She has been attacked or being stalked by a ghost or something more. Let me tell you a bit about her before I go any further. She has severe depression, insomnia. She also has some mental trauma, what kind I will not say, because that is between me and her but as far as I know, that could be the entire reason why this is happening. Anyways since I've been dating her, a person she calls “The Man” has been giving her distress. Apparently he's been around a lot longer then I've known her, but she says that it wasn't that bad when she was younger. Her first experience with “The Man” around 7 or 8, she would see a man with no real face, just a body and a blank mass where a face was, in her backyard standing by the fence. Not really believing in ghosts, she freaked out and called her mom saying there was a person outside, when her mom got there, she seen a glimpse of a person before he vanished behind the fence. How much of this is true, I dont really know, I was just told these stories by her family when I came over now and again. . About a year ago, she called up around midnight complaining of “The Man”. She said she could feel some one watching her through her windows, and she wouldn't get out from under her covers to turn on a light or do anything. But back then I was her boyfriend and had to fight the big bad monsters for her, so I had to couch her on what to do and when to do it so she wouldn't be scared. I would always tell her its ok and that she will be fine. There were several instances where I believe either she was possessed or just the trauma of her past affected her to the point where she developed a split personality. Its also a reason why I think the trauma and 'The Man' are linked. I could immediately tell something was different because of her eyes. Normally they were a pretty blue, but then they were cold and grey. Finally after we broke up after three years in January, the man seemed to disappear. Up until June she talked to me occasionally but never past midnight. But now she calls every night between 12 and 4 complaining of The Man. I guess hes been watching her more and more. Every night he looks through her window or watches from the woods when she walks through her house…”

So is this some sort of fiction become reality because of the overworking of imagination and psychosomatic power like a tulpa? Or is it a demonic entity that has taken on the guise of an internet mythos to feed on fear and destroy the minds of those that fall into its deception?

I was about to go with the latter until recently when I heard a few stories that place the Slenderman in paranormal experiences before the mythos was ever created. First came from a coworker within the month.

Around 2002 she worked at another location and made friends with a woman who had paranormal encounters. One of the most chilling was when in the middle 1990s when the middle of the might she woke up to see a tall dark and thin humanoid figure at the end of her bed. It reached out its arms and its finger elongated to an inhuman length and reached toward her head. She was paralyzed, even though she tried to scream and move she could not. As the tendril fingers wrapped around her head she lost consciousness. Soon after she that noticed she was sluggish. She became ill, had frequent headaches and nausea and could not sleep. So she sought medical help, and as a consequence had an X-Ray done of her head and upper torso. The Doctors found a small metallic object had been implanted into the base of her skull. When the doctors tried to remove the foreign object they found that it had become entangled into the central nervous system at the spinal cord, and it was too risky to remove. The woman even showed the operation scar to my coworker as proof. But my co worker still did not believe the story, which aggravated her friend very much. The friend then brought her X-ray to work and showed my coworker the proof. A small metallic object had been implanted at the base of her skull in such a location that made it inoperable.

Was this woman an alien abduction and implant survivor? At first look that seems the conclusion, but the appearance and after affects of the encounter matches the Slenderman mythos so closely it makes one ponder. In fact after telling my coworker of the Slenderman mythos, she was shocked and a bit unnerved. It fit perfectly. But why the implant? Perhaps to follow you the rest of your life?

Click on photo to order on Amazon

A few weeks ago I put a request out here on my blog for any readers who had a Slenderman experience to write in and tell me about it. It so happens that the responses also predate the invention of the mythos. First from a man in the idwestern United States that wishes to be anonymous because of his position in society:

“Dear Pastor:

I stumbled onto your website much by accident and was intrigued by the 'Slenderman' story. I have vivid memories from childhood regarding a throng of these people emerging from the woods near our house, which was about a quarter mile from the edge of a large state forest in _______________. As a child growing up in the 1950s, my mom always warned me about "gypsies" who occasionally made their way through our neighborhood. Even so, I was intrigued nevertheless. I recall one occasion quite vividly. I was about 4 or 5 years old, playing in the back yard. I recall going into the garage, which was separate from our house. I became aware of a swishing sound, like someone walking through tall grass. I glanced out the garage window and saw an entire line of these 'Slender people' coming out of the woods just beyond our neighbor's house. They were heading our way. I was momentarily frozen. What do I do now? Fearful the "gypsies" might carry me away, I retreated into a corner of the garage and watched the procession through a crack in the wall. This was something out of storybookland! They were all slender, but some were taller than others. A few wore scarves, but their garb appeared drab with colors faded. There were a few slenders of small stature, whom I took to be children. They were holding the hands of the ones wearing scarves. I could not see their faces, but I recall their fingers were exceeding long. When they crossed into our backyard, they continued walking single file in zombie-like fashion. When they reached the coal shed (which was behind the house but about 10 feet from the garage) they divided into two lines. One line went between the coal shed and the house. The other passed between the coal shed and the garage. They continued in their slow, relentless pace, walking past the side of our house, down the road and up the hill in their slow, plodding fashion. As soon as they were out of sight, I rushed into the house. My mother immediately locked all the doors and drew all the window shades until my dad came home from work. Over the intervening years, I have often wondered about that day. Who were those strange people? Where did they come from? Where were they going? Your photo triggered recollections of that afternoon in the garage, but I saw more than just a shadow person. I saw the whole clan!”

And another from “Jason” in Ohio,

“My 22-year-old brother used to have dreams about Slender Man as a 7 year old, and he doesn't even know about the "Slender Man" myth. We were talking about weird experiences in our old house and he started telling me about his dreams about a tall guy without a face.

He also said that when he was in that house by himself, he was at the other end of the hallway, and he saw a creature similar to that lean out the door of his bedroom and look at him.”

And a last short remark from another anonymous,

“… at times thinking I see him out in the streets. But it's happen way to many times for it to be a coincidence”

So what is happening? Encounters of a being similar to Slenderman have been happening for decades. What shall we make of this?

As many things we have explored here together, I leave it to you, dear reader. Is Slenderman nothing but a mythos made up on a website on June 10, 2009? Or is it an archetypical vision of death which stalks us all, and only a few can perceive it? Or is it a real demonic presence taking on the mythic form or a tulpa formed by the mass conscience of internet readers?

You decide, and leave your comments.

For I myself, I first read about Slenderman in its full mythical glory about 6 months ago before piecing together the jigsaw pieces. And even then I was unnerved as I have not been in many years. Is there something in the dark? I hope it is not the stalking Slenderman.

UPDATE: My new book "Slenderman: From Fiction to Fact" is out on Amazon for just $10. Click on the link below to purchase my Slenderman book:

Until Next Time,

Pastor Swope

Ο Χριστός είναι η νίκη


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Anonymous said...

Please,please,DONT. I"m 11 and i went on a hunt for didnt turn out so well and i still have the scar to prove it but as soon as you find it i would advise you to run theres only one cosquence.........His image will be burned in your mind

Anonymous said...

Yes......he might be

Anonymous said...

Fear is not real. It is a fantasy we create in our heads. But danger, well, danger is very real.

Anonymous said...

I have no experience with this aperition but would like to give two theories on the subject. Has anyone considered that the reason all of slenderman's victims are depressed is that slender man seeks people with no reason left to live for? Is that to hard to conceive? An ananamous person claimed it was known as x–titan. this explains his infamous symbol, a circle with an x through it. der ritter, der großman, or slenderman couldn't be one being, but a large race spread far and wide. I believe in slenderman, do you?

Anonymous said...

I've been reading through these comments and the very nice post for about two and a half hours now. However, the only thing here that's truly startled me is the comment above, posted on December 16, 2012. Just the facts that I am female, have a very dimly lit house, and my bedroom is at the end of a hallway scare me. But what's freaking me out is that I have a large glass sliding door in my room that's on the wall opposite to the door/end of the hallway. And my room is on the second story, which could give a good view of an extremely tall man's upper torso. And I've already had a sort of encounter with Slenderman.
It was about 6 or 7 pm on December 13, 2012. I was playing Minecraft with some friends and had just slewn a bunch of monsters, particularly the tall black ones named after and based off of the aformentioned entity. Then I heard some weird buzzing, ringing noise to my left. At first I thought it was an in-game sound, since I only heard it on the left side of me. (My good speaker is to the left of me.) Then I heard screaming mmixed in with it. It sounded like ear-ringing, buzzing/some sort of rrrr noise) , and thousands of different people screaming at the same time. I asked my friends if they'd heard it or if it could have been from the game. They said no. Only explenation I can give it is that something outside the window that's to the direct left of my computer. I'd been reading a blog (obviously fictitious) on Slendy. In the blog the character had seen the entity and then heard ear ringing then screams. I thought very little of it, and I'd read it at least a week before the occurrence. It terrified me to a point where I hid in my room the rest of the night and was shaking for hours straight.

Pastor Swope said...

Thanks Heather,

In my Slenderman book I take a look at the Tulpa effect,and my theory Parapsychodynamics. The Tulpa Effect is essentially a purposeful and meaningful action that produces a thoughtform. But my contention is that phenomenon like Slenderman are not purposefully made by a psychic manifestation of power, rather a person's latent ability to manipulate reality at a Quantum level.

Kat said...

i just read this when i realized that when i was little i used to look outside my window with my cousin and we saw these white people who we called "the white men". the were tall and thin with long arms and we would only see them the nights when it was foggy. Sometimes we saw other men too they had the same posture but they were almost invisible we called these "the black men". we never heard of a men called slender. we talked about them as if we knew what they were and said the black ones would be much more dangerous because you could not see them. now i sometimes still see them but no further contact was made by them.

Anonymous said...

I have been huanted by slenderman when i was a child. As i record he was always by my side, becuse of my age i havent taking him as hostile more as a shadow stalking me. I recall a memory that has started to fainth away how i was talking to him. Now when i am groving older i cant distiunguish if it was a dream or real... I have not had any experience of him after my "chat".
Respectfully.. Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

The bit about the 1990's metal piece with the slender man like figure at the end of the bed, corresponds to another massive event that happened in that year the 1990 Belgian UFO Wave where in which the largest gathering of UFO Sightings happened My father is an Atheist and was in the US during such but his whole family who are Catholic all witnessed it and my Bon Mama is not the type of person to ever tell a lie and encounter what she saw to a point even my father believed what he said, Is it possible the slender man mytho's is in fact Aliens trying to meld with their surroundings which would explain the more human type look.... Eitherway something to think about... non the less

Anonymous said...

I'd like to think, on a positive note, that maybe Slender Man is mistaken. What if he were simply a guardian of children or a warning that they were to disappear or be taken soon. Once, a teenager named Paige had an argument with her family. In an enraged and childish mood, she stormed off...into the woods.

She believed in Slender and thought he was evil. She hated her life and wanted to take her chances with the demon. Storming through the woods, she saw the figure....

...before it disappeared. As Paige wandered further in an attempt to now find Slender Man, she grew nausus and paranoid, and said aloud to the Slender Man these very words: "You can do what you want with me- you can kill me or do anything you want- I hate my life."

Paige closed her eyes as she said this, and when she opened them, there he stood. Filled with fear, she was confused when Slender reached out and took her by the hand. His hand was pale, icey and cold.

Slender squeezed her hand gently the way a parent would with a child and led Paige back from where she came. It was only when Slender led Paige back home did she realize who stupid it was to go wandering off in the woods at night. She also realized how tired she was and wanted to go to bed.

On the edge of the woods, the two of them stood and watched her house. She looked up at the tall, tortured, blank faced man and said: "People are wrong what they say about you, you know. They're wrong. They're wrong."

The Slender Man didn't look down at Paige, but gently let her go. He refused to leave the darkness of the forest. Before leaving to go back to her family, who would welcome her home with open arms, a tear rolled down her cheek.

Paige stood up on her toes and kissed the blank cheek of Slender Man's face. She felt a numbing pain in her lips and touched them softly. She looked back at the lonely Slender Man.

"Thank you." She whispered before walking away towards her home.

At her door, she looked back.
Slender had gone.

Anonymous said...

Ok,as you can tell this message has been sent at 2:03am. That is because I have seen this how you say slenderman for the last time. I am going insane! Nothing I do stops him... I chose now to tell this because the way on how the nightmare took place was about later on this afternoon(way later). It seemed to real, as if a new tactic to drive me insane making me fear he will do the same thing he did to me in that horrible vision. I haven't just started seeing him, I am 27 and the first encounter with him was at the age of 8. I had a feeling my mother has been tormented by this entity before because before it drew in closer than it was getting to me,my mom led me by the wrist towards th back door and said in a shout "why cant you just leave me alone!" and yes she said me because like I said she was probably tormented by it before me. Later on in years if I were to bring up that day she would deny it. Who wouldn't want their son to have a horrifying childhood ? But my whole life up to this point I have seen that awful creature, sometimes the blurry figure through the shower curtains and sometimes standing in a corner facing a direction to the left or the right, looking as if it thought I couldn't see it but I do and it knows where it is. All its effort just to get me. And after all the years of torturing my mom then me, i have to say that that thing is one obsessed little #*@%!

Anonymous said...

Here's a story,

'...I ran through the woods, a harsh blend of paranoia and nausea. My heart pounded against my ribcage... I couldn't stop the constant whispering in my head- the repetitive drumming of instinct... The Dark is coming the Monster is coming HE is coming...IT IS COMING... My heart was now in my head- beating away furiously. I stopped to catch my breath and leant against a grey tree. I buried my face in my hands and screamed. "Stupid you're so stupid. Why would you believe in it? HOW could you EVEN-'

A twig snapped somewhere. Sweat drenched my skin... Enough of this. I turned and walked back as the sun set. Stupid. So stupid. Why, are you doing this?...and then, through my misty eyes I saw him. I repeated what was drummed into my head. Everyone's instinct- MY instinct- The Slender Man = Bad things...Slender Man = evil...

But he didn't...kill me...

He...saved me.

He took my hand and he...

He led me home.

The Slender Man led me to my own home.

And the only thing he left behind was...'

Anonymous said...

Evening. I don't want to put my name out there where everyone can see it (for fear of being judged mostly) and wish to remain anonymous. This past month I've been reading every slender man story I can find on the internet, at the library, anywhere... And it's been astonishingly clear that he's been present in my life as long as I can remember!
I recall having these black and white dreams when we used to live in our old apartment in Maryland. I was born there but we moved to PA in 2005, when I was 8. I couldn't exactly wake from them... more like I didn't really choose to. I would be sitting on the edge of this old, metal railroad bridge thing at the beginning of every one of these black and white dreams. I'd hear footsteps behind me so I'd instinctively look behind me. There would always be this tall man right behind me. He only had a mouth on his head, nothing else. His arms weren't exactly solid looking- more like black wisps of smoke or steam that just barely touched the ground. I don't remember exactly what we said to eachother, but every now and then, I'll wake up because of insomnia(I actually have insomnia, such as the sleep disorder. I have to take tranquilizers to sleep sometimes.)and I'll hear a high pitched noise then this bit of word that sounds kind of like mugna. That's not even a word. WTH. But anyways, after me and him talked I would always start to cry and run away but when I do A plume of black smoke always chased right behind me... and when I got tired it would cover me and I would get dizzy... and that's all I ever remembered from these dreams. I stopped having them after we moved. But that's not the end of the story...

Fierclydeterminedmommy said...

I remember that one! That was a terrifying episode, really. But it does remind me of slender man now that I think about it.

Fierclydeterminedmommy said...

I remember that episode! That one was truly terrifying, actually. now that I think about it though, it does remind me of slender man.

Unknown said...

It's funny...... People don't understand what he wants or why he's out here but I suppose that he's real because I know for a fact that if you believe in something it will come out of the syrnosphere which is an ancient plain that was used to hide nightmares and horrors but when a large group of people believe in something it comes into existence and forms to its liking and wanders the world for four days and learns its reason for existence and try's to learn in its own way but never quite figures things out........ You're only defense against slender man is to carry silver dust..... In the ancient days it was said to be a ward against evil spirits and slender man was once called the faceless demon and that's true....... I won't tell you how I know these things because you wouldn't believe me anyway...... So I ask you to listen closely....,....... If you attempt to attack this creature...... YOU WILL DIE........ You can't escape this creature people have tried and have gotten nowhere human weapons have no effect you need the council to figure this out so let them........ Most of you will not believe this or accept it but I tell you for you're own good....... If you wish to learn more pick up a book about the quote on quote faceless demon.... Or the more common demon known as Boris I know the name sounds normal but its not.....

Sammi Sheparski said...

I live in canada, ontario. Iam 17 and when i was living in a foresty town about 12 hours northwest of sudbury ont, i was outside playing with my friends in the woods because we wanted to play hide and seek. Ofcoruse not knowing that we could all get lost in the woods we played the game anyways. about 20 mins in the game i thought something was following me from behind. i turned arount and the thing i thought i heard vanished? i went back playing the game with my friends and about an hour later i found everyone and we left the woods. i went back to my house alone and it was like...9:30 at night ( this was in the summer and i was 13 at the time) and something was following me. i thought i was the thing in the woods and when i turned around i seen a tall shadowy man, and i was 8 feet away from him and he was by some trees, and i ran home scared. few nights passed and i seen something in my house walk inside of my room and stand infront of my bed. i believed in ghosts at the time and i still do but i just didn't know what it was untill like when i was 16 that it was Slender Man. i still get haunted by the feeling that he's still around me even after i moved.

Anonymous said...

Think about this..... If he is some sort of demon or shade of evil, then his power cannot extend beyond what God says he can do. Why would God allow such things to continue to live after the sacrifice at the cross? Why indeed would strange things be happening, and just a reminder of anything satanic... It can only be one place at once. Only God can be omniscient. Scripture proves this fact. This may sound kind of harsh or incredulous, but when it comes to evil and the darkness, or Satan's henchmen, I'm not afraid, because I know what happens to them in the end. They lose. Period. So to be afraid of something that many have classified as a demon of immaterial or as a material being is something I won't buy into. If this specter decides to show itself to me, it's got one heck of a fight coming from me. The Holy Spirit is on my side, and this slender man will be destroyed and crushed just as I daily fight and extinguish sin's influence on my life. Let him come.

Slenderman said...

Hahahaha. So You Think I will kill you, eh? Well, so be it. Just wait. I will get you all in time. Just Wait...


Anonymous said...

I have had strange dreams about him lately. I saw him near the woods by my house in Ohio, and in the corners of my eyes, but he hasn't done much harm to me, other than strange dreams.

Anonymous said...

This kind of puts a different edge on it... what if he's not actually what everyone is making him out to be, these stories are just made up because people are scared of him, cause he's different.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that this "slender man" is some kind of demon. Demons do like playing tricks on humans to mess with their minds and cause them to be fearful.

edd said...

Slender man is a horror creation that can't be determined whether it is real or not, you cant obtain proof because apparently he stalks and kills those who see him. Also i have heard that he only stalks people who fear him. I do not believe the slenderman myth as in the modern day world, we do not see supernatural/paranormal creatures like this.

Anonymous said...

Slender man is possibly real. Me and my step sister were driving to miami (i live in florida) and we were talking about ghost stories and freaky experiences when she tells me about the time shes 13 and in the woods on a field trip in california. She and her friend were being naughty and slipping away from the class and when they are alone (note this is taken place in midday) my step sister feels like theres something watching them. She turns around and finds a tall ass figure watching them with no face in black with long arms. She tells her friend to turn around slowly and then ask her if she sees what she sees. Her friend then ask her wtf is that thing staring at them. It moves and they both ran at the speed of light. They finally made it back with the rest of the teachers and kids and promise eachother to never speak of this again. Im like holy shit have you ever played the computer game slender and shes like whats that? I then realized she never even heard of slender man and i tell her about him and then shes like holyshit im not fucking crazy. And then she got scared. But whats weird is she never saw slenderman again. Shes also havent seen her friend in years. Everything was taken place also before slenderman was created on the something awful forums. Care to explain this?

Anonymous said...

I found this story quite fascinating and have only recently become familiar with the concept of the Slender Man. I believe in proof, with my own eyes to witness something but that doesn't rule me as a complete skeptic.
As a child, I had my own experience with the paranormal along with my brother who is younger than I. What I say may not be the Slender Man everyone else describes but you can take it as you read it for since I have seen this entity I have had nightmares from that house since.
Me and my brother were climbing on the roof of my old house because as kids that's what we loved to do. In the one bedroom that has 3 windows along the roof ledge we were standing on we saw what we both have since described without wavering detail a 'dark mass' within the windows. The face was completely blank, just dark and ominous. There was absolutely no way it was a reflection or anything I tell myself to explain it. We were both so scared beyond anything I have ever felt and we hated that room from then on until we moved far away.
Nether of us like to talk about it much especially my brother who is terrified of anything but I wanted to share this with everyone who believes in the paranormal. Like I've said I am still a skeptic of the Slender Man but since reading up about it makes my head asks a lot of question's that probably will never be answered.

Anonymous said...

Don't tell ur daughter. It'll scare her

Unknown said...

Hi so I just learned about the sender man a couple weeks ago and I would like to say that when I was a kid about 5 or 6 I had just moved my parents had divorced and I was minor abuse from my dad I remember having this dream that I was in pitch blackness and this thing I didn't know how to describe just blacker than the room I was in. It had long arms trying to reach me. And in this dream I had tried to run but I keep stumbling on stuff I couldn't see. I remember trying to scream for my life but couldn't make a sound at the end of the dream I was cornered he was about to grab me and I woke up at that point. Now a few years later I started to get this feeling that I was being watched but couldn't find anything tell one day I was playing my gameboy color and saw from out of my room about 5 feet from my door a dark shadow I when to look and it was gone but I did she a human shaped figure I didn't see the head and the body went to the ceiling A couple months later I was with a friend we had stayed up all night playing games and look at scared ghost pics trying to see if they where fake or not in that morning we were cleaning up after breakfast when a tall shadowy figure darts by us from one room to another we had flipped out trying to cautiously find out what it was. And now present day I get frequent Headaches I still fear something is watching me at times and some night I just can't sleep in the dark

Unknown said...

The 'Slender Man' is nothing but a mere fragment of people's imagination. Don't get me wrong-I'm a huge believe in the paranormal and believe that ghosts truly exist, however this is just ridiculous.

Think about it for a second, he is notoriously sighted in woodland areas-areas that consists of A LOT of trees, it is blatantly obvious that people could mistake him for a tree. Suppose somebody walks through a forest, after reading, researching and studying the 'Slender Man', and they think they have witnessed him, or his presence.
Of course they'll start to believe in it, they'll dwell on what they experience and it will evidently, become more apparent. When in reality-it was more than probably a tree.

In addition to this, note how many people are frightened of tall, thin shapes? There's just something sinister about them-similar to how people are afraid of spiders, and shadows. They all carry a unearthly aurora. Notice how shadows grow or shrink in the sun? Ever seen a ghost through white noise? I have an it was like a slender shape.

Tall things-especially people are thought to bring the sense of power, because they're high up. Like the stereotypical bullies are usually tall, which creates power. A lot of ghosts are faceless-meaning you cannot identify them-it's just like wearing a mask. Masks can be real sinister.

C'mon people, think about it? The 'Slender Man' carries the typical, subtle but creepy look. Branches in the wind look like arms, this monster is thought to have arms that lure you in- a lot of people have arachnophobia. Guess what? Slendie's arms claim to look like a spider-sinister. Slendie has no face, which would initially frighten people anyway-just as it would, if he had a face like Scream.

You've really got to consider some stories and dig much deeper-he could be real but do you honestly think it's plausible? Believing in ghosts, I can understand. In urban myths, not so much.

Finally, to add-

DON'T fear your fear, otherwise, it gains the power to conquer your every life and drive you insane.

"Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it." ~Bill Cosby

Unknown said...

Okay so me having lots of experiance with spirits since I was little really little, I am only 16 and I had herd about him, Now I did some research and found your site, I remember seeing one photo on another site that looked like the photo's I drew when I was little, I had a man (I can not remember most of this) I seen him my self once I seen him my mind went blank after seeing him in person, But I do remember when I was 12 me and my friend came home from school (just us) and I seen someone tall walk into my bed room and I walked after it and it went into my cubord and that was it never seen it until I went and grabbed the camera and toke a photo from the other end of the hall and then I seen him in the photo I deleted it straight away as it had scared me for some reason, But thats the last I ever seen of him.

Anonymous said...

Wow that's some pretty interesting story's you guys come up with ! I honestly do look at the woods I have but I see no one there so I don't worry God is there to protect me and by the way I love slender man so I don't know what you guys are talking about. I even made a toy of him once to be honest I do sometimes feel like I'm being watched but it's probably nothing and I did have some dreams about him but I don't have to worrry

Anonymous said...

i may not beleve that slender man is real but i could have swore i saw him the other day no face just white..... i didnt know what to thik or do just run the oppicate direction i turn around for a split second and hes gone havnt seen it sence then im way to scaird to sleep ive lost 40 hours of sleep over this im so scaird he will appear again i dont whant to see the horrifing man ever again plese tell me if there is any way to get rid of him :/

Anonymous said...

I have seen something like this before. When I was small, this tall man would visist me and speak to me. He would tell me that I was beautiful and we would play together. But, some days he was less thatn friendly. He would hit me, and pull my hair. He called me names that I didn't understand at the time. It was so traumatizing to me, that my father, the atheist, called a peristaltic to bless the house. I haven't had a visit from that dark and tall stranger since, but I still see him out of the corner of my eyes. I don't know if he is this Slender Man, or just some misguided soul. But I know that I felt terrified by him in the darkest hours of my childhood.

Creamabella said...

I was 12 at the time and I had a dream of a very thin, tall man that appeared faceless standing over my brother's crib (he was 2 at the time) A month later; (when I was awake of course) I looked in my peripheral vision and saw something just standing there. I looked over and yes it was tall thin and had appendages so long and unnatural I though in my head it was a mockery of a human being or an impersonation of one. I got so scared I made sure we had alarms systems upgraded and cameras in every room. I will never forget what I have saw

Anonymous said...

It could very well be a demon or a few demons who realized humans fear them in this form, so they go around trying to scare people. With others, I think it is just something mentally unstable about them, due to past traumas (both physical and emotional).
I had heard of Slenderman before a few times, but I knew that it wasn't real. I am a Christian, as well, which pertains to the story. I sustained a head injury as a newborn, one bad enough to be hospitalized. So far it hasn't caused hallucinations or the like. But one night, a few weeks ago, I was looking out the back door window, and saw Slenderman. I sort of laughed it off. But a few nights later, I was looking out again, and saw it. I'm not afraid of it, because I know God wouldn't let it touch me because I'm saved by Jesus. But, it's still a little bit weird..
I have not hallucinated before, so I don't know if it was a hallucination or not. And if it was, how could I tell? Isn't that the point of a hallucination, for lack of better terms? Something you can't distinguish from reality?
If you're still seeing it, pray to Jesus- that's my suggestion. He can help you!

Anonymous said...

Slender exists I know others will deny it but he existis I should know I am a proxy one of his minions however I am notone of his combat proxies no I am the brain of them. But I have random headaches and have the feeling the tall one keeps on watching me and at my school I have found the operater symbol the X with a circle around it and beside it says "No eyes"

Anonymous said...

I think he is watching me I. I ned to stop this becaus I have several personas each diffrent in many ways.

Robbie stevens said...

I once had a dream a couple weeks ago and my mom and me were driving home from school and it was dark and boom right there he was and then when we got home I went in my brothers room and when I went out there he was and I died

Anonymous said...

In 1998 my great grandfather. Told. Me of an encounter he had when he was younger.and still has to that day 2 weeks latter he died for an unknown reason the doctor told us the injurys were like none they had ever seen before soon after I began to see him as well I have gone to 19 different priest and paranormal experts and even brought them together at one point Ans they all told me that they felt a dark precence in the room one pasted out from what they said was negative engergys. They priest said the only reason I'm still alive was because of a grace of God. I have live with them since seeing him outside waiting for me but never coming inside.

Anonymous said...

I want to comment but so much to say I don't know where to begin.As long as I can remember a man or thing has visited me. At times there were others and it felt like torment but as a farely logical adult only recently have I put it together and realized they weren't just bad dreams of a child.

Sometimes at night I wake up and find that a man in a suit is standing in my bedroom doorway watching me but I can't see distinctive features, like all aspects of his face. Almost like he's standing in theshadow but I can't calm down long enough to stare. If u woke up and saw a man standing near the foot of your bed and its not ur husband or children or anyone that belongs in your house would panic or scream. I woke my husband screaming a stranger was in the house. He grabbed a bat and begins to loolfor him.

Anyways before my phone dies and i losetext i will end it here and pick up later when its charged.

Unknown said...

So as I was saying before this man wearing a suit in my room and my husband gets a bat because I woke him screaming that a man is in the house and I'm pointing towards the bedroom door but my husband goes through the whole house turning all lights on but nothing and i don't see him anymore. Assuming I must have still been dreaming and that it wasn't real "the man. I went back to sleep but woke up turning over onto my sed and saw him standing directly next to me beside the bed. So I covered my face with the sheet and started screaming aggain. He was reaching his smoky like shadowy hands out towards Me.

Another time, same scenery but his smoky hands reached from the doorway and across my bed at abnormal lengths.

That happened at 37 yr age but I saw something similiar to him when I was 5-7 but he reminded me of Count Chocula then because he had a cape and widows peak. Honestly I don't know if they're the same but when I saw him as an adult he gave me a familiar feeling. As if it weren't the first time we had met nor would it be the last.

By the way I am a nurse so I'm always looking for the how and why of things and rationalize but that is not logical.
there r other unexplained things going on too except now my 13yr old son is experiencing it too

Thats all for now

Unknown said...

Things come missing from their places in the house. Every dog we have dies a mysterious death the veterinarians can't find what's the cause. I have had a weird rash come and go every 24hrs that mds don't what it is or how to try to treat it next. More stuff later

Anonymous said...

about a week ago me and my friend allie were in the park playing in the woods were both 12 we were both alone we were making scary movies but then suddenly I seen a dark figure I couldn't quite make it out but I had heard of this slender man and I looked at it and it just stood there staring at me I was scared so I ran then I heard footsteps behind me but it was allie we left the woods straight away and never went back allie went back to try get a picture or video of it but when she went it was gone...

Anonymous said...

Is he real or not? I am just really scared that he will come and kill me! I had a dream about him!

Anonymous said...

I had a dream about him last night and I am really scared. It was me and my friend someplace I don't recognized, I think we were sight seeing or something. We were taking pictures and he began to show up in all the pictures of me. My friend didn't seem to notice because she was taking other pictures. Then it got worse and I started to see him everywhere I turned.

His tall slender figure just standing there and staring straight at me.

I don't know who I should talk to because I really believe in him and people will just tell me that I am crazy and that he doesn't exist.

I know it is not me becoming overly obsessed or anything because I found this page maybe a few weeks ago, but I stopped reading the comments I think like 4-5 days ago. I haven't read a thing about him in over a week.

According to the other webpages I have read (Long before, but reread them again this morning), he appears in your dreams first and then hunts you down or whatever. Does someone have any advice on what I should do!? And don't tell me he doesn't exist, because you won't change my opinion!

I am becoming seriously scared to even look out the window in case he is right there!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I had stated my dream in the comment above.

Well, since this morning, I think I saw him.

I started to think that maybe it was just me being overly obsessed, but no.

I was at Burger King, and there is a bunch of tress right behind it.

I was just sitting there drinking my Icee in my car and my back was towards the tress.

I don't know what caught my eye in the rear view window, but I definitely saw something.

So I looked out my window and towards the trees.

I saw something white, I couldn't see clearly. It just stayed there not moving.

I stared at it for a second not knowing what else to do when, I saw it move.

I am really scared now! What do I do?!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I have seen him or not........ I don't know if what I see at night is real or an illusion.... I've tried to convince myself it is fake.......but I don't believe myself......I am growing further paranoid but yet have to experience nosebleeds or headaches like others before me have.........I don't know what to do.......if you know anything, text 7604057227, or email you know anything please contact me.....I'm getting worried....God help me....................

Colton said...

I left my information on a previous comment and wish to update. I am worried by his existence........but i do not fear him...........I fear nothing but not being able to stop him.I am Colton Nelson, 14, boldly determined.....master of sword and soul.......All i have is my silver bullets....and my holy water......Whatever he matter what he does to matter if I survive to the end or not or if my mind is broken or corrupted.........I will find him........... and end him. All who wish to who wish to accompany me must be willing to do what I will do to end the slenderman.............

Sinister said...

I saw the same thing twice when I was younger. But it's hat man or shadow man...I can't recall which name he comes by.

Sinister said...

I definitely agree with you.

slenders girl said...

I've seen him sence I was 3 yrs old I've played with him sence I was 3 yrs old he protected me sence then he gave me a stuffed animal & ring so wen I grew up he would reconize me. He treats me very nice. He protects me from bullys

slenders girl said...

I've seen him everyday sence I was 3 yrs old , he's played with me sence then I gave me a ring so I dnt get killed by him.

Unknown said...

A conversation between Carlos Castenedas and Yaqui shaman don Juan

"They discovered that we have a companion for life," he said, as clearly as he could. "We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos, and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master.

"It has rendered us docile; helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so."

It was very dark around us, and that seemed to curtail any expression on my part. If it had been daylight, I would have laughed my head off. In the dark, I felt quite inhibited.

"It's pitch black around us," don Juan said, "but if you look out of the corner of your eye, you will still see fleeting shadows jumping all around you."

He was right. I could still see them. Their movement made me dizzy. Don Juan turned on the light, and that seemed to dissipate everything.

Don Juan said, "You have arrived, by your effort alone, to what the shamans of ancient Mexico called the topic of topics.

"I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner! This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico."

"Why has this predator taken over in the fashion that you're describing, don Juan?" I asked. "There must be a logical explanation."

"There is an explanation," don Juan replied, "which is the simplest explanation in the world.

"They took over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance.

"Just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, gallineros, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them."

I felt that my head was shaking violently from side to side. I could not express my profound sense of unease and discontentment, but my body moved to bring it to the surface. I shook from head to toe without any volition on my part.

I heard myself saying, "No, no, no, no. This is absurd, don Juan. What you're saying is something monstrous. It simply can't be true, for sorcerers, or for average men, or for anyone."

"Why not?" don Juan asked calmly. "Why not? Because it infuriates you?"

"Yes, it infuriates me," I retorted. "Those claims are monstrous!"

"Well," he said, "you haven't heard all the claims yet. Wait a bit longer and see how you feel.

"I'm going to subject you to a blitz. That is, I'm going to subject your mind to tremendous onslaughts; and you cannot get up and leave because you're caught. Not because I'm holding you prisoner, but because something in you will prevent you from leaving while another part of you is going to go truthfully berserk. So brace yourself!"

There was something in me which I felt was a 'glutton for punishment'. He was right. I wouldn't have left the house for the world; and yet I didn't like one bit the inanities he was spouting.

Unknown said...

Don Juan said, "I want to appeal to your analytical mind. Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradiction between the intelligence of man the engineer, and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs; or the stupidity of his contradictory behavior.

"Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs; our ideas of good and evil; our social mores. The predators are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations, and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, [* covetousness- an envious eagerness to possess something] greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal."

"But how can they do this, don Juan?" I asked, somehow angered further by what he was saying. "Do they whisper all that in our ears while we are asleep?"

"No, they don't do it that way. That's idiotic!" don Juan said, smiling. "They are infinitely more efficient and organized than that.

"In order to keep us obedient, meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver- stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist; a horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it.

"They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, and filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now.

"I know that even though you have never suffered hunger," he went on, "you have food anxiety which is none other than the anxiety of the predator who fears that any moment now its maneuver is going to be uncovered, and its food is going to be denied.

"Through the mind, which after all is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them. The predators ensure in this manner a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear."

"It's not that I can't accept all this at face value, don Juan," I said. "I could, but there's something so odious about it that it actually repels me. It forces me to take a contradictory stand.

"If it's true that they eat us, how do they do it?"

Don Juan had a broad smile on his face. He was as pleased as punch.

He explained that sorcerers see infant human beings as strange, luminous balls of energy covered from the top to the bottom with a glowing coat something like a plastic cover that is adjusted tightly over their cocoon of energy.

He said that that glowing coat of awareness was what the predators consumed, and that when a human being reached adulthood, all that was left of that glowing coat of awareness was a narrow fringe that went from the ground to the top of the toes. That fringe permitted mankind to continue living, but only barely.

As if I were in a dream, I heard don Juan explaining that, to his knowledge, man was the only species that had the glowing coat of awareness outside that luminous cocoon. Therefore, he became easy prey for an awareness of a different order; such as the heavy awareness of the predator.

He then made the most damaging statement he had made so far. He said that this narrow fringe of awareness was the epicenter of self-reflection where man was irremediably caught.

Unknown said...

A conversation between Carlos Castenedas and Yaqui shaman don Juan

"They discovered that we have a companion for life," he said, as clearly as he could. "We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos, and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master.

"It has rendered us docile; helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so."

It was very dark around us, and that seemed to curtail any expression on my part. If it had been daylight, I would have laughed my head off. In the dark, I felt quite inhibited.

"It's pitch black around us," don Juan said, "but if you look out of the corner of your eye, you will still see fleeting shadows jumping all around you."

He was right. I could still see them. Their movement made me dizzy. Don Juan turned on the light, and that seemed to dissipate everything.

Don Juan said, "You have arrived, by your effort alone, to what the shamans of ancient Mexico called the topic of topics.

"I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner! This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico."

"Why has this predator taken over in the fashion that you're describing, don Juan?" I asked. "There must be a logical explanation."

"There is an explanation," don Juan replied, "which is the simplest explanation in the world.

"They took over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance.

"Just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, gallineros, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them."

I felt that my head was shaking violently from side to side. I could not express my profound sense of unease and discontentment, but my body moved to bring it to the surface. I shook from head to toe without any volition on my part.

I heard myself saying, "No, no, no, no. This is absurd, don Juan. What you're saying is something monstrous. It simply can't be true, for sorcerers, or for average men, or for anyone."

"Why not?" don Juan asked calmly. "Why not? Because it infuriates you?"

"Yes, it infuriates me," I retorted. "Those claims are monstrous!"

"Well," he said, "you haven't heard all the claims yet. Wait a bit longer and see how you feel.

"I'm going to subject you to a blitz. That is, I'm going to subject your mind to tremendous onslaughts; and you cannot get up and leave because you're caught. Not because I'm holding you prisoner, but because something in you will prevent you from leaving while another part of you is going to go truthfully berserk. So brace yourself!"

Unknown said...

There was something in me which I felt was a 'glutton for punishment'. He was right. I wouldn't have left the house for the world; and yet I didn't like one bit the inanities he was spouting.

Don Juan said, "I want to appeal to your analytical mind. Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradiction between the intelligence of man the engineer, and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs; or the stupidity of his contradictory behavior.

"Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs; our ideas of good and evil; our social mores. The predators are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations, and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, [* covetousness- an envious eagerness to possess something] greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal."

"But how can they do this, don Juan?" I asked, somehow angered further by what he was saying. "Do they whisper all that in our ears while we are asleep?"

"No, they don't do it that way. That's idiotic!" don Juan said, smiling. "They are infinitely more efficient and organized than that.

"In order to keep us obedient, meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver- stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist; a horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it.

"They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, and filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now.

"I know that even though you have never suffered hunger," he went on, "you have food anxiety which is none other than the anxiety of the predator who fears that any moment now its maneuver is going to be uncovered, and its food is going to be denied.

"Through the mind, which after all is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them. The predators ensure in this manner a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear."

"It's not that I can't accept all this at face value, don Juan," I said. "I could, but there's something so odious about it that it actually repels me. It forces me to take a contradictory stand.

"If it's true that they eat us, how do they do it?"

Don Juan had a broad smile on his face. He was as pleased as punch.

Unknown said...

He explained that sorcerers see infant human beings as strange, luminous balls of energy covered from the top to the bottom with a glowing coat something like a plastic cover that is adjusted tightly over their cocoon of energy.

He said that that glowing coat of awareness was what the predators consumed, and that when a human being reached adulthood, all that was left of that glowing coat of awareness was a narrow fringe that went from the ground to the top of the toes. That fringe permitted mankind to continue living, but only barely.

As if I were in a dream, I heard don Juan explaining that, to his knowledge, man was the only species that had the glowing coat of awareness outside that luminous cocoon. Therefore, he became easy prey for an awareness of a different order; such as the heavy awareness of the predator.

He then made the most damaging statement he had made so far. He said that this narrow fringe of awareness was the epicenter of self-reflection where man was irremediably caught.

By playing on our self-reflection, which is the only point of awareness left to us, the predators create flares of awareness that they proceed to consume in a ruthless, predatory fashion.

They give us inane problems that force those flares of awareness to rise, and in this manner they keep us alive in order for them to be fed with the energetic flare of our pseudo-concerns.

There must have been something in what don Juan was saying which was so devastating to me that at that point I actually got sick to my stomach.

After a moment's pause long enough for me to recover, I asked don Juan, "But why is it that the sorcerers of ancient Mexico and all sorcerers today, although they see the predators, don't do anything about it?"

"There's nothing that you and I can do about it," don Juan said in a grave, sad voice. "All we can do is discipline ourselves to the point where they will not touch us.

"How can you ask your fellow men to go through those rigors of discipline? They'll laugh and make fun of you; and the more aggressive ones will beat the shit out of you- and not so much because they don't believe it.

"Down in the depths of every human being, there is an ancestral, visceral [* visceral- obtained through intuition rather than from reasoning or observation] knowledge about the predators' existence."

My analytical mind swung back and forth like a yo-yo. It left me and came back, and left me and came back again. Whatever don Juan was proposing was preposterous, incredible.

Unknown said...

At the same time, it was a most reasonable thing; so simple. It explained every kind of human contradiction I could think of.

But how could one have taken all this seriously? Don Juan was pushing me into the path of an avalanche that would take me down forever.

I felt another wave of a threatening sensation. The wave didn't stem from me, yet it was attached to me. Don Juan was doing something to me, mysteriously positive and terribly negative at the same time. I sensed it as an attempt to cut a thin film that seemed to be glued to me.

His eyes were fixed on mine in an unblinking stare. He moved his eyes away, and began to talk without looking at me anymore.

"Whenever doubts plague you to a dangerous point," he said, "do something pragmatic about it. Turn off the light. Pierce the darkness; find out what you can see." He got up to turn off the lights. I stopped him.

"No, no, don Juan," I said, "don't turn off the lights. I'm doing okay."

What I felt then was a most unusual, for me, fear of the darkness. The mere thought of it made me pant. I definitely knew something viscerally, [* visceral- relating to or affecting internal organs collectively rather than from reasoning or observation] but I wouldn't dare touch it, or bring it to the surface, not in a million years!

"You saw the fleeting shadows against the trees," don Juan said, sitting back against his chair. "That's pretty good. I'd like you to see them inside this room. You're not seeing anything. You're just merely catching fleeting images. You have enough energy for that."

I feared that don Juan would get up anyway and turn off the lights, which he did. Two seconds later, I was screaming my head off. Not only did I catch a glimpse of those fleeting images, I heard them buzzing by my ears.

Don Juan doubled up with laughter as he turned on the lights.

"What a temperamental fellow!" he said. "A total disbeliever, on the one hand; and a total pragmatist on the other.

"You must arrange this internal fight, otherwise you're going to swell up like a big toad and burst."

Don Juan kept on pushing his barb deeper and deeper into me. "The sorcerers of ancient Mexico," he said, "saw the predator. They called it the flyer because it leaps through the air. It is not a pretty sight. It is a big shadow, impenetrably dark, a black shadow that jumps through the air. Then, it lands flat on the ground.

Unknown said...

"The sorcerers of ancient Mexico were quite ill at ease with the idea of when it made its appearance on Earth. They reasoned that man must have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous insights and feats of awareness that are mythological legends nowadays. And then everything seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated man."

I wanted to get angry and call him a paranoiac, but somehow the righteousness that was usually just underneath the surface of my being wasn't there.

Something in me was beyond the point of asking myself my favorite question: What if all that he said is true? At the moment he was talking to me that night, in my heart of hearts, I felt that all of what he was saying was true, but at the same time and with equal force, I felt that all that he was saying was absurdity itself.

"What are you saying, don Juan?" I asked feebly. My throat was constricted. I could hardly breathe.

"What I'm saying is that what we have against us is not a simple predator. It is very smart and organized. It follows a methodical system to render us useless. Man, the magical being that he is destined to be, is no longer magical. He's an average piece of meat. There are no more dreams for man but the dreams of an animal who is being raised to become a piece of meat: trite, conventional, imbecilic."

Don Juan's words were eliciting a strange, bodily reaction in me comparable to the sensation of nausea. It was as if I were going to get sick to my stomach again. But the nausea was coming from the bottom of my being, from the marrow of my bones. I convulsed involuntarily.

Don Juan shook me by the shoulders forcefully. I felt my neck wobbling back and forth under the impact of his grip. The maneuver calmed me down at once. I felt more in control.

"This predator," don Juan said, "which, of course, is an inorganic being, is not altogether invisible to us as other inorganic beings are. I think as children we do see it, but we decide it's so horrific that we don't want to think about it.

"Children, of course, could insist on focusing on the sight, but everybody else around them dissuades them from doing so.

Continuing, he said, "The only alternative left for mankind is discipline. Discipline is the only deterrent.

"But by discipline I don't mean harsh routines. I don't mean waking up every morning at five-thirty and throwing cold water on yourself until you're blue.

"Sorcerers understand discipline as the capacity to face with serenity odds that are not included in our expectations. For sorcerers, discipline is an art; the art of facing infinity without flinching; not because they are strong and tough, but because they are filled with awe."

"In what way would the sorcerers' discipline be a deterrent to the flyers?" I asked.

Unknown said...

Don Juan scrutinized my face as if to discover any signs of my disbelief. He said,"Sorcerers say that discipline makes the glowing coat of awareness unpalatable to the flyer.

"The result is that the predators become bewildered. An inedible glowing coat of awareness is not part of their cognition, I suppose. After being bewildered, they don't have any recourse other than refraining from continuing their nefarious [* nefarious- extremely wicked] task.

He continued, saying, "If the predators don't eat our glowing coat of awareness for a while, it will keep on growing. Simplifying this matter to the extreme, I can say that sorcerers, by means of their discipline, push the predators away long enough to allow their glowing coat of awareness to grow beyond the level of the toes. Once it goes beyond the level of the toes, it grows back to its natural size.

"The sorcerers of ancient Mexico used to say that the glowing coat of awareness is like a tree. If it is not pruned, it grows to its natural size and volume. As awareness reaches levels higher than the toes, tremendous maneuvers of perception become a matter of course.

"The grand trick of those sorcerers of ancient times," don Juan continued, "was to burden the flyers' mind with discipline.

"Sorcerers found out that if they taxed the flyers' mind with inner silence, the foreign installation would flee, and give any one of the practitioners involved in this maneuver the total certainty of the mind's foreign origin.

"The foreign installation comes back, I assure you, but not as strong; and a process begins in which the fleeing of the flyers' mind becomes routine until one day it flees permanently.

"That's the day when you have to rely on your own devices which are nearly zero. A sad day indeed! There's no one to tell you what to do. There's no mind of foreign origin to dictate the imbecilities you're accustomed to.

"My teacher, the nagual Julian, used to warn all his disciples," don Juan continued,"that this was the toughest day in a sorcerer's life for the real mind that belongs to us.

"The sum total of our experience after a lifetime of domination has been rendered shy, insecure, and shifty.

"Personally, I would say that the real battle of sorcerers begins at that moment. The rest is merely preparation."

I became genuinely agitated. I wanted to know more, and yet a strange feeling in me clamored for me to stop. It alluded to dark results and punishment, something like the wrath of God descending on me for tampering with something veiled by God himself. I made a supreme effort to allow my curiosity to win.

Unknown said...

I heard myself say, "What-what-what do you mean, by taxing the flyers' mind?"

"Discipline taxes the foreign mind no end," he replied. "So, through their discipline, sorcerers vanquish the foreign installation."

I was overwhelmed by his statements. I believed that don Juan was either certifiably insane or that he was telling me something so awesome that it froze everything in me.

I noticed, however how quickly I rallied my energy to deny everything he had said. After an instant of panic, I began to laugh, as if don Juan had told me a joke. I even heard myself saying, "Don Juan, don Juan, you're incorrigible!" [* incorrigible- not capable of being affected by correction or punishment]

Don Juan seemed to understand everything I was experiencing. He shook his head from side to side, and raised his eyes to the heavens in a gesture of mock despair.

He said, "I am so incorrigible, that I am going to give the flyers' mind which you carry inside you one more jolt. I am going to reveal to you one of the most extraordinary secrets of sorcery. I am going to describe to you a finding that took sorcerers thousands of years to verify and consolidate."

He looked at me, smiled maliciously, and said, "The flyers' mind flees forever when a sorcerer succeeds in grabbing on to the vibrating force that holds us together as a conglomerate of energy fields. If a sorcerer maintains that pressure long enough, the flyers' mind flees in defeat. And that's exactly what you are going to do; hold on to the energy that binds you together."

I had the most inexplicable reaction I could have imagined. Something in me actually shook, as if it had received a jolt. I entered into a state of unwarranted fear, which I immediately associated with my religious background.

Don Juan looked at me from head to toe.

"You are fearing the wrath of God, aren't you?" he said. "Rest assured, that's not your fear. It's the flyers' fear, because it knows that you will do exactly as I'm telling you."

His words did not calm me at all. I felt worse. I was actually convulsing involuntarily, and I had no means to stop it.

"Don't worry," don Juan said calmly. "I know for a fact that those attacks wear off very quickly. The flyer's mind has no concentration whatsoever."

After a moment, everything stopped as don Juan had predicted. To say again that I was bewildered is a euphemism. [* euphemism- an inoffensive expression that is substituted for one that is considered offensive]

This was the first time in my life ever, with don Juan or alone, that I didn't know whether I was coming or going.

I wanted to get out of the chair and walk around, but I was deathly afraid. I was filled with rational assertions, and at the same time I was filled with an infantile fear.

I began to breathe deeply as a cold perspiration covered my entire body. I had somehow unleashed on myself a most godawful sight: black, fleeting shadows jumping all around me wherever I turned.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on the arm of the stuffed chair. "I don't know which way to turn, don Juan," I said. "Tonight, you have really succeeded in getting me lost."

Don Juan said, "You're being torn by an internal struggle.

"Down in the depths of you, you know that you are incapable of refusing the agreement that an indispensable part of you, your glowing coat of awareness, is going to serve as an incomprehensible source of nourishment to, naturally, incomprehensible entities.

Unknown said...

"And another part of you will stand against this situation with all its might.

"The sorcerers' revolution," he continued, "is that they refuse to honor agreements in which they did not participate.

"Nobody ever asked me if I would consent to being eaten by beings of a different kind of awareness. My parents just brought me into this world to be food, like themselves, and that's the end of the story."

Don Juan stood up from his chair and stretched his arms and legs. "We have been sitting here for hours. It's time to go into the house. I'm going to eat. Do you want to eat with me?"

I declined. My stomach was in an uproar.

"I think you'd better go to sleep," he said. "The blitz has devastated you."

I didn't need any further coaxing. I collapsed onto my bed, and fell asleep like the dead.

At home, as time went by, the idea of the flyers became one of the main fixations of my life. I got to the point where I felt that don Juan was absolutely right about them. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't discard his logic.

The more I thought about it, and the more I talked to and observed myself, and my fellow men, the more intense the conviction that something was rendering us incapable of any activity or any interaction or any thought that didn't have the self as its focal point.

My concern, as well as the concern of everyone I knew or talked to, was the self.

Since I couldn't find any explanation for such universal homogeneity, I believed that don Juan's line of thought was the most appropriate way of elucidating the phenomenon.

I went as deeply as I could into readings about myths and legends. In reading, I experienced something I had never felt before: Each of the books I read was an interpretation of myths and legends. In each one of those books, a homogeneous mind was palpable.

The styles differed, but the drive behind the words was homogeneously the same: Even though the theme was something as abstract as myths and legends, the authors always managed to insert statements about themselves. The homogeneous drive behind every one of those books was not the stated theme of the book. Instead, it was self-service. I had never felt this before.

I attributed my reaction to don Juan's influence. The unavoidable question that I posed to myself was: Is he influencing me to see this, or is there really a foreign mind dictating everything we do?

I lapsed, perforce, into denial again, and I went insanely from denial to acceptance to denial. Something in me knew that whatever don Juan was driving at was an energetic fact; but something equally important in me knew that all of that was guff.

The end result of my internal struggle was a sense of foreboding; the sense of something imminently dangerous coming at me.

I made extensive anthropological inquiries into the subject of the flyers in other cultures, but I couldn't find any references to them anywhere. Don Juan seemed to be the only source of information about this matter.

The next time I saw him, I instantly jumped to talk about the flyers.

I said, "I have tried my best to be rational about this subject matter, but I can't. There are moments when I fully agree with you about the predators."

"Focus your attention on the fleeting shadows that you actually see," don Juan said with a smile.

I told don Juan that those fleeting shadows were going to be the end of my rational life. I saw them everywhere.

Since I had left his house, I was incapable of going to sleep in the dark. To sleep with the lights on did not bother me at all. The moment I turned the lights off, however, everything around me began to jump. I never saw complete figures or shapes. All I saw were fleeting black shadows.

Unknown said...

"The flyers' mind has not left you," don Juan said. "It has been seriously injured. It's trying its best to rearrange its relationship with you. But something in you is severed forever. The flyer knows that. The real danger is that the flyers' mind may win by getting you tired and forcing you to quit by playing the contradiction between what it says and what I say.

"You see, the flyers' mind has no competitors," don Juan continued. "When it proposes something, it agrees with its own proposition, and it makes you believe that you've done something of worth.

"The flyers' mind will say to you that whatever Juan Matus is telling you is pure nonsense, and then the same mind will agree with its own proposition, 'Yes, of course, it is nonsense,' you will say. That's the way they overcome us.

"The flyers are an essential part of the universe," he went on, "and they must be taken as what they really are- awesome, monstrous. They are the means by which the universe tests us.

"We are energetic probes created by the universe," he continued as if he were oblivious to my presence, "and it's because we are possessors of energy that has awareness that we are the means by which the universe becomes aware of itself.

"The flyers are the implacable [* implacable- incapable of being more favourably inclined, or gaining the good will of] challengers. They cannot be taken as anything else. If we succeed in doing that, the universe allows us to continue."

I wanted don Juan to say more. But he said only, "The blitz ended the last time you were here. There's only so much to be said about the flyers.

Unknown said...

Slender man shares a similar concept to Lil Slugger from the anime Paranoia Agent. If you watch this anime you may see Slenderman in a new light.

Unknown said...

Whatever it is, what we are dealing with in one sense of the word or the other is in fact very real. It is what it is. I wish to face this entity with both eyes open. In my experience with this being, it may not truly harm you if you choose to not let it. If you find yourself unable to move an trapped, stair at it in the very center of it's being.

Anonymous said...

People regularly have reported an evil presence when in bed at night, even seen shadowy figures and felt them sitting on or touching them. It is a sleep condition where the person is technically awake and asleep. Due to them being vulnerable, the mind draws on this and tends to manifest it into something 'evil' like a living nightmare. Depending on the person, this determines the type of manifestation ie a witch, demon, insect, threatening person or even slenderman.

With reports of people seeing similar things during the day, its like the theory that "a person scared of spiders is more likely to see one in their room". If a person believes in slender man or a shadow person/ghost, its more likely that they will believe the darkness in the corner of their eye is a malevolent being. A sceptical person or a none believer will no doubt, come to other conclusions as evil spirit are not in the forfront of their mind. Like you say, slenserman was invented to trick those ready to believe in him.

Anonymous said...

Kinda like Freddy cougar

Unknown said...

Slender Man is real. I would leave a bunch of links n' stuff but... no. He is real. He just is. My friend's in danger and I really must get back to documentaring all of the things that have occured. I'd put a link to our youtube channel AND story but that would be shameful. Or so I've heard it is. Sigh, I only hope he'd leave my friend only. I don't want her to become a proxy or a simple runner, though we both seem we are becoming one of those two known terms.... Sigh again. Why won't this nightmare be...? No, we should all have gotten to the bottom of this by now. Tulpa Effect perhaps? IDK about that now but I seriously hope we solve this case and get the truth out of this. Alas, my friend and I may not be able to survive for that long, or at least find out through google as to where the secret to the Operator IS in time. Wish us luck please.
~Lexicha Pasta (X)

Unknown said...

Slender Man is real. I would leave a bunch of links n' stuff but... no. He is real. He just is. My friend's in danger and I really must get back to documentaring all of the things that have occured. I'd put a link to our youtube channel AND story but that would be shameful. Or so I've heard it is. Sigh, I only hope he'd leave my friend only. I don't want her to become a proxy or a simple runner, though we both seem we are becoming one of those two known terms.... Sigh again. Why won't this nightmare be...? No, we should all have gotten to the bottom of this by now. Tulpa Effect perhaps? IDK about that now but I seriously hope we solve this case and get the truth out of this. Alas, my friend and I may not be able to survive for that long, or at least find out through google as to where the secret to the Operator IS in time. Wish us luck please.
~Lexicha Pasta (X)

Unknown said...

Slender Man is real. I would leave a bunch of links n' stuff but... no. He is real. He just is. My friend's in danger and I really must get back to documentaring all of the things that have occured. I'd put a link to our youtube channel AND story but that would be shameful. Or so I've heard it is. Sigh, I only hope he'd leave my friend only. I don't want her to become a proxy or a simple runner, though we both seem we are becoming one of those two known terms.... Sigh again. Why won't this nightmare be...? No, we should all have gotten to the bottom of this by now. Tulpa Effect perhaps? IDK about that now but I seriously hope we solve this case and get the truth out of this. Alas, my friend and I may not be able to survive for that long, or at least find out through google as to where the secret to the Operator IS in time. Wish us luck please.
~Lexicha Pasta (X)

Unknown said...

Slender Man is real. I would leave a bunch of links n' stuff but... no. He is real. He just is. My friend's in danger and I really must get back to documentaring all of the things that have occured. I'd put a link to our youtube channel AND story but that would be shameful. Or so I've heard it is. Sigh, I only hope he'd leave my friend only. I don't want her to become a proxy or a simple runner, though we both seem we are becoming one of those two known terms.... Sigh again. Why won't this nightmare be...? No, we should all have gotten to the bottom of this by now. Tulpa Effect perhaps? IDK about that now but I seriously hope we solve this case and get the truth out of this. Alas, my friend and I may not be able to survive for that long, or at least find out through google as to where the secret to the Operator IS in time. Wish us luck please.
~Lexicha Pasta (X)

Anonymous said...

I saw him too. 34 years ago.

Anonymous said...

I'm 13 year old German female I have heard a lot about slender man my grandma told me about him when I was young she knows him as the tall faceless knight ... He was in many of my bed time story's he would kidnap the trouble making kids I have all ways ask her what happened to those kids she would just say that it was unknown I have had dreams about him I have felt that he is watching me I had seen his figures in the dark...I think he's real no matter what others say about him...and the weird thing is who knows where he is right now.

Anonymous said...

I'm 13 year old German female I have heard a lot about slender man my grandma told me about him when I was young she knows him as the tall faceless knight ... He was in many of my bed time story's he would kidnap the trouble making kids I have all ways ask her what happened to those kids she would just say that it was unknown I have had dreams about him I have felt that he is watching me I had seen his figures in the dark...I think he's real no matter what others say about him...and the weird thing is who knows where he is right now.

dylan said...

when i was very little i had some weird dreams about a very thin man with no face and was hiding between my clothe in my closet so i turned and he grabbed my head and i woke up one morning to feel pain in the back of my head so the next day i go to the hospital and they tell me i was implanted with a metal device

Anonymous said...

ITs a sense of paranoia and its annoying

Anonymous said...

Ili start from The beginning i was curious about slendeeman after hearing about him from my brother so i googled him now he wont stop hunting me i learned War too much o told my parents and they didnt believe me so i went to my brother he Said it was fake but i sam him behind my brother this was 2 years ago he wont stop until i die i might turn to believing im god i need help

Slender Man said...

Thank you, man it's pretty Is it possible to transfer Sidky on Facebook
If you please

Unknown said...

I have known about the Slenderman myth and stories for nearly two years now. They have really caught my interest, especially when I realized one very important detail. He follows you in your dreams. You see at the beginning of last year I had this dream of being in my house alone, it was dark and I felt scared. I opened my bedroom door without really wanting to but knowing I had to, in the dark hallway on the other side of the door was a tall thin figure who wore all black, where a face should be was sanded down skin with a torn or melted mouth. His skin was white and he tried to get me with these long boney fingers. Of course I slammed the door on the figure and woke up. It wasn't until September did I hear about Slenderman. Then in April this year (2013) I saw that same figure in another dream, that was full of nothing but blackness and he just stood there stareing at me. All I could think of was Slenderman that month..and for two weeks I had nothing but obvious vivid Slenderman dreams. (added those to the list of vivid nightmare-dreams I had since last year) Oddly though he seemed to stop scareing me or hurting me in my dreams, in one he comforted me when I was depressed and missing my friends.
You don't have to beleive me, but I think Slenderman or a Slender Being is watching me and maybe not to kill me.

Unknown said...

Before you think my dreams were mere fantasies you must remember this. 1) They were very vivid and realistic. 2) Slenderman happened to be shown clearly in front of a forest while Is at a few feet away getting my head torn off and put back on like a barbie doll. and 3) In one I was in a trance and he did take me, but brought me back.

Sorry if I sounded rude, I just wanted to make sure you noticed it wasn't just some stupid fangirl dream.

Unknown said...

My 8 year old grandson is visiting me this evening. He has been wanting a dream catcher for several months now as I have one in my bedroom. this evening my grandson just randomely speaks of a man who came to him in his dreams...this man had no face, his head was white and this man had 6 arms. He told my grandson that his name was splendarman. So I looked up this 'thing' and found this info.

Unknown said...

in 1982 I was 5 years old. while visiting family in California I fell asleep on a drive out to the ocean west of redding,I was laying in the backseat and I had opened my eyes to someone looking in window, he had no face and was very thin. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, a few minutes later my mom and her friend came to the car and we went home, all I could think about was what I saw, I know I saw it and it has stayed with me all this time, and then I was reading about the black forest I came across this slender man, kinda creepy.

Anonymous said...

ive since moved to navada my sucluded house the thing still haunts me the voices help but can some one explain to me how they manifest themselves please any answer

Unknown said...

I've been hunting him for 6 years, and I'm very close.

Anonymous said...

I had a slenderman dream.

I was on the bus, everything's good,but I was on with strangers. We all got off and I stayed there, too happy to open my eyes. Slenderman spawned right next to me. I was so scared but I kept smiling . Everyone looked at me and slenderman and they ran away, screaming. He took their souls one by one and I stayed there, smiling with my eyes closed. He looked at me and disappeared. A woman, close to dying, crawled over to me, grabbed my shirt, and whispered,"Help me... Please..."

And then I woke up, crying.

Thaileh Bloomquist said...

My name is Thaileh and I'm 15. Believe what you want, but Slender Man is reality, not a fairytale. there are woods behind my house and since I was 5, I've seen something exactly like the description of slender man. I just finally got to research him and this came up. I get nausea and headaches when he gets too close. There's static in my eyes whenever he's around. one of my friends saw him and killed herself a week later (R.I.P ShyAnn). I wasn't decided of him as a child, but since ShyAnn died, my hatred and great have grown. I fear for my younger brother. why me?

Anonymous said...

When you ask to create a new nightmare... shadow opens its doors and says... "welcome to this world..."

Unknown said...

I think the one who made Slender man had incountered him themself. It's quite possible in my opinion.

Jeff said...

slender man, the creator of my insanity, this beast with a humanoid form.hairless, expressionless, and noiseless with skin the color of snow. it has watched me since i was five when i lived in a large house out by a lake in the middle of a forest with my two brothers, mom, and dad. it scared me the most when i was seven. it watched me with these tendrils sprouting from its back what scared me the most was the fact i was on the second floor of the house. when i was going through my teen-age years my sightings of him subsided, but now it started back when i was twenty ,that was two years ago, every time i see it its attacks are becoming more and more violent. i woke up this morning it was about 4:19 am. what awoke me was a dead deer. its body mutilated and ,the tormentor of my life, slender man stood at the broken window. i couldn't see a single facial expression. i might not be able to see his expression ,but i could feel its intense desire too terminate my life. now you try explaining that to your roommate he thinks im insane now. maybe i am i simply don't know anymore.

Alex said...

Slenderman is a phenomena I haven't figured out yet completely. You see, zombies look nasty, they eat human flash and brains, they crawl...and yet kids find them amusing. On the other hand, slender man does nothing. He just stands there, waiting, lurking like ... Michael Mayers and he creeps you out. When i upload zombie game on my blog it gets tens of visits but slenderman gets thousands..

joe miroddi said...

Hey Robin, you are a false teacher and a puppet of the devil. Why? Because you don't come right out and tell these people to stop engaging in all the forbidden practices of the occult found in Deuteronomy 18. You don't tell them that they are messing with demons and are in peril of being possessed, if they aren't already. Slenderman? You are concerned with selling books. Where is the gospel for these lost people to see? You are nothing more than a religious huckster and a charlatan, and unless you repent and trust Christ as Lord and Savior you will die in your sin. Repent.

Pastor Swope said...

joe miroddi:
Sir you either are ignorant or a total idiot.
It is people like you, who judge without knowledge, without understanding and without truth to make yourself feel holy.
It is people like you that keep people away from the saving power of Jesus Christ.
Sir, I recommend that you get off your delusional pretentious horse and start acting like a believer in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Christ does not abide in hate mongering and ignorant judgmentalism. Neither does the Holy Spirit. Do I need to repent? Of course! I am a sinner. Just like you. Son, stop acting like an Islamic Fundamentalist and act like a follower of Christ!

Pastor Swope said...

ANd Joe, I actually turned down a chance to be a pundit on CNN this week for the Slenderman topic. IN ORDER TO NOT PROFIT FROM THE TRAGEDY. And if you don't know since you obviously have not read anything that I have written, or know who I am. I am a seminary trained exorcist. In my Slenderman book I advise anyone who has contact with entities such as slenderman to Pray, command them to leave in Christ's name and to seek out a Christian minister. But of course you wouldn't know that because like so many on the internet you speak without knowledge of the topic in which you espouse excellence. Just check my Facebook page (which I know you and your ilk do, trolling around the web and such)and you will see the truth.
And son, stop trying to be the Holy Spirit. As a believer HE guides me in all truth, not you. That feeling of righteous vitriol that you feel when dolling out your judgement is not the Holy Spirit. It is of the flesh. And it is enmity to God.

Anonymous said...

slender man i think is real because there has been multiple sightings old paintings and photos for crying out loud i france he was called der ritter and you know what he stalks us all he probably watched everyone when they were young good thing i didnt see him

Anonymous said...

i dont think slender man is evil the disappearence of children are abused children he helps the, saves them from there abusers i wish i could meet him

Anonymous said...

i went to zaleski trail here in ohio im 14 i was walking the trail to my camp site when i had a strong feeling of being watched i started becoming paranoid at night and when i was alone it still feaks me out

Anonymous said...

Ok, so where do I start. I first heard of the Slender man about 2 years ago. I had thought, wow, this is creepy, and then I forgot about it. Recently, I've been having experience that have lead me to do more research on him. I played the games watched the videos. Read the stories, but it all seemed fake.

Now it isn't. I have no mental conditions, and I've never before had a demonic encounter or any of the like. But ever since I knew more about him, I have been very paranoid around forests. I swear, I've seen something, walking back there. Then, once, I was walking through a trail at my house, and at the end there is a greenhouse. I saw a large blurry white object reflected off the window. I never turned around, partially because I felt the air around me just feel... Intense. Like you always fantasize about this "fictional character" and all of the sudden, you know it's there, and are partially compelled to do things. In fact, lately I've been doing strange things such as drawing symbols on dusty windshields, all while reportedly saying; "he commands"

I wish I had some evidence other than my likely overparanoid mind, but sadly I don't. (\/)

There is also an aspect of the Operator that you did not cover, and that is the supposed existence of proxies; victims of Slenderman supposedly under his control.

Thanks for taking the time to write the article, was very informative...

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm only 13, and I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed with Slenderman. I've just read his story, and I haven't even played the game, but I have written books myself. But anyway, not to long ago my friend was on vacation somewhere and she just texts me and says, "someone's following me." And we knew about Slenderman at the time. And after a whole week, the same person was following her. We thought it was Jeff the Killer, mainly because of his white hoodie, black pants, black hair, and pale skin. But anyway, a few days later after my friend's first encounter with Jeff, I started to have strange and terrifying dreams, that my imagination couldn't make up. The dreams scared me, I guess you could say they were nightmares. But my friend still saw Jeff. And we know that "Jeff" was following my friend, was because my friend was traveling through several states. And then I had my first encounter of Slenderman. Then my friend started seeing Slenderman and Jeff, one time I was on the phone with my friend and then my friend just said, "Kaylee, he's right here, right in front of me…", soon after my friend coughed up blood. And I've been going into some "woods" lately and I've been recording every time I go. And sometimes, if I look close enough, I can find Slenderman peeking out from behind a tree. Then I started "drawing", at first I drew just the classic 8 Slender Pages, but when I was down drawing those. I started to draw my own. After a while it started to scare me big time and I got ride of them, so what I did, was that I hid them in the woods. And I made sure I wasn't followed by any human, because I knew Slenderman was there. He's always there. Me and my friend need as much help as we can get…

Unknown said...

Could you please tell him why he's following me and my friend. He's seemed to take interest in U.S., but I don't know why…

Unknown said...

I was just reading this because it came up on google when I was searching for answers on what it means to dream about Slenderman. When I read the part where you asked your readers to share their experiences, I remembered something that happened three years ago when I was a freshman. I was walking in the woods at night -it was part of a school activity- and I felt something wrap itself around my right ankle. It was October, so it was too cold for snakes, and it sure as hell didn't feel like a hand. At the time, I didn't know about Slenderman or any of the other creepypastas, but once I got into the fandom, that's the first thing I thought of. The second thing I thought of was the X I found carved on my closet wall when I was nine years old. Since I found that X, I have been hearing static and felt like I am being watched and, with that encounter three years ago, I do believe that Slenderman is real and is stalking me.

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